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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 10 2019 02:59PM
Heard about this on the drive today. Thought it may get people to talk a out it, as drone vehicles are on the horizon, too.

There are making advancements in Zurich in converting the carbon in the air into actual fuel, and doing so efficiently.

Attached Links
Cleaner air


Oct 10 2019 08:45AM
     Comrade Bone Spurs rewrites history.
Uh, someone stop this idiot from talking. He dishonors every soldier who fought along and died with the Kurds who helped fight in Iraq, Greece and Italy during WW 2.
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Kurds didn’t help in WW2? Are you stupid?


Oct 10 2019 07:05AM
     Guiliani s goons have been arrested.
Uh oh.

Two of Rudy Guliani’s “helpers” have been arrested. Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman (get used to seeing their names, they know shit and aren’t under White House protection) have been arrested for campaign finance violations.

They were part of the Ukraine “research” group.

They got our current Ukrainian ambassador fired for not being “pro Trump”.

And they helped disguise Trump campaign donations under their LLC.

And their money is mixed in with Trump Jr. money.


Oct 9 2019 07:30PM
     Trump vs McConnell
Trump currently has been burning up the phone lines with McConnell about the Kurds, and he’s cracking the whip and telling Mc Connell to get Senators back in line to support him.

McConnell is not backing down.

This should be good.


Oct 9 2019 07:32AM
     What was the price?
Well, we knew this was going to happen.

The Turk forces have moved into Syrua, the Kurds are pulling resources to fight them and get their peole to safety, and the 80,000 enemies of the US (12,000 jihadist fighters, 70,000 support tribal family members) that the Kurds were holding after defeating them are now being released to foght again.

To get the $$$ that we were paying them to hold them for us so we would not have to cage and fight them.

Thanks Trump!


Oct 9 2019 07:23AM
     Power outage
Are you being affected by the power shit offs?

Are your plans being changed?


Oct 8 2019 04:20PM
     Are you keeping up with health news?
Most of you are very careful about your health, but do you keep up with the latest medical news? About new ailments and rises in diseases that may be in your neighborhood?

Because its starting to get scary out there again.
Attached Links
Ailments on the rise


Oct 8 2019 03:33PM
     I dare you, I double dog dar you.
Trump Administration just announced that it will not comply with any of Congress’ Impeachment inquiries, daring the Dems to go full Impeachment.
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Temper tantrum


Oct 6 2019 09:29AM
     Paranormal stories - 2019
I’m one of the lucky few to be a sensitive and more keenly aware of (and attract) the supernatural, and this year has been no exception.

Case in point - one of the properties I handle has an issue with homeless. One particular creatice trouble maker slept in the crawlspace between the multi property. Had a make shift library and food storage, when we discovered that the big dog seen around the property was him in adult size dog pjs.

Had to hire pros to crawl in there get his stuff out, issue restraining order and have the local law enforcement. He was not a happy camper.

Installed more security for the safety of tenants.

Long story - new security cams show a big dog back on the property, but its shape and walk is all wrong. We think he’s back, and check it out. Called po-po, and find out he died on his way back to his home state after he was forced off premises. Then we review vids, and “dog” shows up on one cam but not on another, then people are outside walking by but do not notice the dog, even though they are in the same parking structure with a few car spaces distance. I don’t want to scare tenants, but Inexpericne it myself. You “feel” something is there, practically hear it/feel it, but don’t see or hear it. But the “dog” is shown on the other side of my car when reviewing the security cams.


Oct 5 2019 11:59PM
     Joker movie
Great acting, but in terms of a landmark social movie, not so much.

We’ve seen a lot of this before.

What did you all think?


Oct 2 2019 07:15PM
     The new 25% tarif & trade war
A new tariff went into effect today, and now it’s gone too far.

A price increase has been applied to the good stuff:
Italian cheese, French wine and mother fucking Scotch whiskey has gone up.

“The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office released a list of hundreds of European products that will get new tariffs, including various alcohol, cookies, salami, butter and yogurt and other fine goods.”

Mother fuck!

What am I supposed to pour out for the fallen homies?
Attached Links
Prices go up,


Oct 1 2019 01:30AM
     A Ukrainian, an Australian, a British man and an Italian walk into a bar.
Or more exactly, Attorney General Barr talks Trump to reach out to foreign intelligence for assistance on discrediting Mueller and making researching Biden.

“Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec did not name the countries in her statement. But an Australian government spokesperson was quoted as saying Trump had spoken to Prime Minister Scott Morrison by phone, and the Washington Post reported that Barr had made overtures to British intelligence officials and met with Italian officials to seek their help in the inquiry.”

That’s Kerri Kupec of our own Department of Justice, not some foreign tabloid or a whack job.


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