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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 3 2019 09:24PM
     Wait, I can stay home, play videos games all day and
... get paid mad money?

Where the hell was this 30 years ago?

3 million dollars!

And other prize money at other tournaments?

Fuuuu... i am in the wrong biz.
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Money for nothing and your checks for free


Jul 29 2019 09:01PM
     Capital One - WHO is in your wallet?
For any current users or former applicants, check your activity for fraud.

Capital One got hit hard and over 100 million people’s jnfo isnout there.
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Jul 28 2019 09:28PM
     Shooting in Gilroy CA
Ok, on a serious note, check in on your north cali friends. At least three dead at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
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Live shooter


Jul 27 2019 07:24PM
     Trump displays the new Presidential Seal
This was in the news and brought a smile to my face.

Mr. “I Love America” held a presentation 2 days ago and didn’t notice the the US Presidential Seal was incorrect. Not only was it wrong, it was made many years ago to mock him. And he didn’t notice the Russian eagle. The golf bags. The cash. And the Latin indicating that “45 is a puppet”. He just rolled with it and smiled like the fool that he is.
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Almost like wearing a dunce cap.


Jul 23 2019 06:54PM
     Trump just threatened Afghanistan
Braggart in chief just let stupid fly out of his mouth again.

"If we wanted to fight a war in Afghanistan and win it, I could win that war in a week. I just don't want to kill 10 million people," Trump told reporters at the White House where he was hosting Khan.

Afghan officials have asked for the White House to clarify that, with the quote: “whatchu talkin about, Willis?” And “Bitch bettuh check himself.”

He wants war with Iran and Afghan and financial war with Asia. Dumb ass.
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I could destroy it in a week


Jul 20 2019 06:06PM
     Its so hot out in parts of the US
its so hot that the cops are asking criminals not to do anything until the heat wave passes.

I kid you not.
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So hot


Jul 14 2019 06:56AM
     Exit plan - revisited
Just to bring back this old topic, as earthquakes and fires are on the mind here, and my buddy is ass deep in swamp water in Mississippi - do you have an exit plan, in case Mother Nature unleashes her wrath on you? An emergency pack? A place to stay? Resources in case you can’t go back to your home?


Jul 12 2019 06:03PM
     Bow down before your new robot masters
An Artificial Intelligence has been world class professional poker players. In three days it came up with winning scenarios for multiple opponents. From scratch.

Let me repeat, the AI, with no knowledge of the game of poker or the strategies for winning learned to master the game in three days. If allowed to play online against real people on legit websites, they say it would win $1K an hour with one dollar bets.

Imagine if someone forgot to turn it off over the weekend?
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So much for online gaming

1 comment

Jul 8 2019 07:39PM
     US runs out of money.
Looks like we will spend everything that the government has in the bank right now by the end of September, far ahead of what was projected.

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Bye bye money.


Jul 6 2019 05:13PM
     Do you own a flame thrower?
Or other form of weaponry?

As the roaches are coming. They are becoming harder and harder to lill.
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Super bugs


Jul 4 2019 10:36AM
     Stranger Things season 3
Not talking about the unspeakables growing next to your genitalia after years of abuse.

Talking about the 80s show.

Wow, what a season! Lots of surprises and disgust.

1 comment

Jun 30 2019 02:39AM
     Tell me if you heard this joke. An American walks into North Korea

And says its a step to new world peace.

Several hours ago, Donald “lets make a deal” Trump walked 20 steps into North Korea to shake hands with Kim Jong Un and shook his hand. Now we know who has the supposed sex tapes.

Also noted is that he spoke to the troops, with some frequent coughing heard in the background, and the new press secretary and a few US Officials got into a rumble with the North Korean press. She has the bruises to show for it.


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