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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 28 2019 12:26AM
     Young adults these days
I feel like a bitter resentful old man for saying this, but the young adults these days have no respect or clue about their culture and heritage.

Example: overheard the new college students that rent from me discussing the new Lana Del Ret song, the cover of Sublime’s “Doin’ Time”, and were so amazed *she* wrotea perfect and sad summer song to continue her “Summer Time Sadness” success.

Are you kidding me?


Jun 22 2019 10:55PM
     The second US civil war will begin in Oregon?
Its getting nasty up north, and not in the “release of sexual tension” way.

republican legislators walked out of the vote for state fuel laws, and the sitting state government leaders are prepared to send troopers back into the capital for then to do their jobs.
Local militia are getting fired up. Tempers ere hot enough to close the capital building iver the weekend fir safety.

And two of the republican rebels are possibly advocating violence against law enforcement.

One of the missing Republicans, state Senator Brian Boquist, told Portland television station KGW on Wednesday that if state police come for him, they should “send bachelors and come heavily armed.”
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Umerika now!


Jun 22 2019 07:00PM
     US vs. Iran part 2, the revenge
Keeping the discussion going, since this looks like this will continue to get ugly.

1. Trump has said that he would implement more sanctions on Monday. Experts in the US and abroad say that while his aggressive posturing may work with other nations, Iran seems to have been backed into a corner and will continue to strike, as it is the only response thst they have left that fets the results they want.

2. General Petreus gave some insight about the “last minute” change of heart, as a President is normally well aware of a potential body count before an order to strike is given, besides enemy counter strikes options. While he wasn’t in the room, and the way it was handled seemed strange.

So it was one of three things:

- Trump was bluffing, and he got called on by the Iranians.
- trump was walking a fine line of appeasing his war hawks, and looking like he had a position of strength for negotiations with Iran
- Trump’s leash was pulled by Putin, when Putin announced his displeasure on local Russian TV


Jun 20 2019 10:41AM
     US vs. Iran
No, not the soccer match.

Actual warfare.

One of our drones got shot down by Iranian Red Guard, and Trump now has to do something to save face.

How long before the posturing ends and they start to whip it out?

Also, looks like our allies will not support us on any military ventures, so its just us.
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Shor down in a blaze of...


Jun 19 2019 03:29AM
     Album to own this summer
There’s music you stream because you like it, and then there is music you buy because it has value for you.

My nomination for album of the summer (the summer of heart ache) is Mark Ronson’s “Late Night Feelings”(not to be confused with late night drunk gropings)

He’s got a gift for song writing and having good artists create great songs, and his streak continues.


Jun 19 2019 03:17AM
     The Facebook Libra
Facebook is getting into the crypto currency game, as it announced the creation if its Libra
for small transactions.

What are your thoughts?


Jun 16 2019 08:52PM
     Night of the long knives - Trump style
Trump fires his own reelection pollsters after unflattering numbers were leaked, and the bs spin is in full swing.
But the damage is done, as the “band aide” cover up is getting more of Trump attention than actual politics.i
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Implosion under way


Jun 11 2019 04:55AM
     Long, tall, hard one

We’re talking about Shaft (shut yo mouth!) the sequel coming out this weekend.

For reasons, I was able to attend one of the screenings, and now I know that there is a multiverse because somewhere out there there is a version of me that had not attended and enjoyed those lost hours doing something else.

Don’t bother Netflix-ing the movie, skip it all together.

How do studios keep green lighting projects like this?


Jun 1 2019 05:03PM
     Gender neutral business situations
I keep running into more and more of these (business, non sexual) situations where the human being in front of me looks like they could go either way of the male/female classification, but prefer the neutral disclosures for themselves.

I am all for it in the abstract, but actually living it without disrespecting them is tough.

How are you all handling the new normal?


Jun 1 2019 04:55PM
     Half a billion dollars
The Mega Million jackpot is close to half a billion dollars.
An obscene amount of money.

What would you do with it?
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No winner for Friday drawing - will you luck out


May 28 2019 09:14PM
     Godzilla - King of the Monsters
Ok, without going into spoilers.....

... got a chance to see it tonight.

Uhm, yeah, wait for Netflix or what ever. Not worth seeing it in IMAX.

Carry on.


May 27 2019 09:11PM
     Can Trump build a wall that high
Navy fighter pilots were seeing UFO along the eastern sea coast almost daily? And this disn’t make the bews?
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Tic tacs in the sky


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