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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 18 2019 10:26PM
     I just blew my load
John Wick just emptied a clip into a squad full of killers, and I am still hard.




Baba Yaga (the hitman, not the porn star) is back!
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Jan 18 2019 09:05PM
     Best of Consumer Electronics Show 2019 - part 1
Ladies, gentlemen, perverts of all adult ages, behold the miracles of the future.

I was quite proud of this one, I helped pitch and market the funding for research for Kodak many many moons ago. Now the race is on to get rollable screenseverywhere (without damaging the environment).

Attached Links
Big screens that bend and roll up without the loss


Jan 18 2019 06:41AM
     What did Pence know?
Sonit looks like Trump’s goose is cooked, as of today.

Game, set, match. Just a matter of filling in the signatures and letting the conservative-right wail and moan (in agony, not sex-tasy).

Next up, Pence. How much was he involved? Did his people help in any way?


Jan 11 2019 01:57AM
     Gender fluidity.
Ok, while I am die-hard "your body, your rights, you live the way you choose so long as you do no harm to anyone else" kind of person - preaching it and living with it have been a bit of a challenge lately.

Went to my local Whole Foods, and there were a LOT of variations on human beings in proud display. A tall young man that looked like a professional athlete in full drag. Another portly person restocking the shelves with ladies pigtails, finger nails and bracelets and a thick goatee.

And the Panda. I have no idea what gender is, but a thick person of Asian decent with half purple, half silver white crazy hair that looked more like a wig and enough "meat" on their bones to hide all features that would complicate saying "good day, sir" or "good day, ma'am".

Coming to terms with it will be a long time for me. Getting sexually aroused... not in this lifetime.


Jan 10 2019 06:58PM
     Signaaaaals from outer spaaaaaace
Scientists have just discovered a second set of high speed radio signals from deep space.

The unusual features of the signal MAY mean its from intelligent life.
Attached Links
Signals from space


Jan 6 2019 01:53AM
     Just for you ladies, the sexiest man on the planet will
....spin at Coachella this year.


DJ Idris Elba will have a set at Coachella.

(Here's a towel for you.)
Attached Links
DJ Big Idriis

1 comment

Jan 5 2019 06:56PM
     Super bowl 2019. Where are you watching the Game
Well, that sucks.

The Air BNB place my crew of old fogeys just found out the place in TX we were planning to watch the game at juuuuuust got trashed & robbed.

Any local alternatives?

(Yes, the dumpster in Lompoc that was our Plan B also got hit up).


Jan 3 2019 09:13AM
     This is America
2019, under Trump.

There is no better example of what America is becoming than this picture:

Our national parks, the spaces that were left protected for future generations to enjoy because of their natural majesty, bought, sold, and turned into trash heaps.

MAGA, indeed.
Attached Pictures
Garbage clutters the national parks


Jan 3 2019 09:10AM
     There is a worm in the Apple
And the worm's name is TradeWar.

So, the domino game we have all been worrying about has begun.

Tariff war with China has caused the slow down of purchases of Apple products (and production) within China. Apple posts that Q1 will be poorer than expected and it's stock price slide down. Best Buy also takes a hit as the number of products Apple will showcase at the stores (and other facilities) will also diminish.

Our tech intern who moonlights with Best has now asked to come onboard full time, as Best Buy may be letting people go.

2019 is off to a great start. Thanks, Trump.
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Sliding down every so gently.


Dec 28 2018 11:57AM
     Mysterious 'nude selfie' said to be in Mueller's possession
I wish I could make shit like this up.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team reportedly obtained a “nude selfie” during the process of investigating whether Russia colluded with the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

An attorney for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, a Russian firm that has been in the crosshairs of the Mueller team for allegedly interfering in the election, made the odd claim in court filings on Thursday.

“Could the manner in which he collected a nude selfie really threaten the national security of the United States?” lawyer Eric Dubelier asked in a filing that supports a motion to compel discovery.

Who on Earth could it possibly be that may threaten National Security?

It's not Hillary. Her nude pics do not appear visible to the human mind, as our brains break down than allow that kind of trauma.
Attached Links
Russians have a pic or two


Dec 28 2018 10:02AM
     New Years resolutions
Monday's New Year's Eve, and I plan on being wasted on champagne, prime rib, great seafood and more champange over the weekend, so I may not be in a proper state of mind (well, even less than usual) to talk to you all.

What are your resolutions for the coming year?

Me: (Hire someone to) empty out the tech closet and the empty offices of all the useless tech we have lying around the company. Learn to actually sing. Learn to cook Indian food. See more people socially.


Dec 28 2018 03:54AM
     Trumo just exposed himself to the world
No wait, that came out wrong. (Damn auto correction).

Trump just took a pic with members of Seal Team 5 while in Iraq, and exposed their identities while they are in an active combat zone.

Now, according to the White House, this is acceptable and "normal".

However, the strong counter argument is that he just posted a pic target sign on all of the people in the pic, as these ultra-professionals and defenders of the people normally operate on a classified basis.

All for a photo shoot. Where are this guy's handlers?


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