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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 27 2018 01:21AM
     Photography tips, part two hundred and thirty three
Just a reminder for you ladies to clean up the background stuff when you take pics.

For example, if you go into the new Photos as of 1:00 am, you may see a very enticing pic spoiled by something on the couch.


Dec 25 2018 07:40AM
     X-mas presents
Any unusual present this year?

Care to share the details?

Me - Giant inflatable "beer bottle" from my friends in Texas. Pics as soon as I find a way to inflate it.

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Dec 24 2018 12:34PM
     Latest Trump tweet - economic fall out edition
I swore to friends and family that for one day, I would jack off, I mean lay off the politics. A friend of mine even made a fake "sell your soul to the devil/escape clause only if you don't talk about politics" for me to sign.

But Trump could not keep the stupid out of his mouth and out of his hands.

"The only problem our economy has is the Fed. They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch - he can’t putt"

Ladies and gentlemen, your Commander In Chief. Using golf analogies to describe his frustration with the Fed.

He has no clue whatsoever, and it's showing.


Dec 24 2018 11:56AM
     Ugh. Who is still at work right now?
About to call it an X-mas day, and the emails and phones are quiet (except for the dang Asian clients, who don't understand that I do not speak the language and everyone else who does has gone home already.)

Y'all getting ready to share Christmas joy?


Dec 24 2018 07:50AM
     Magic juice
For those of you who are "saving it up" and keeping it in your pants, thinking you're gonna make money out your magic juice.
Forget it.

Scientists in Sweden are getting close to finalizing "liquid sunlight" storage for fuel, that will surpass oil and gasoline.

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1 comment

Dec 23 2018 08:18PM
     Mystery company asks Supreme Court to stop Mueller
"Chief Justice John Roberts on Sunday issued a temporary pause on an order holding an unnamed, foreign government-owned company in contempt over a mystery court case related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation."

I missed this over the weekend, with prepping for X-mas and making sure I made the naughty list.

Any guesses as to who this company is?
Attached Links
Supreme power


Dec 23 2018 07:04PM
     Look up in the sky. Its a bird, its a plane, its

a large amount of spew?

If you look at the video, it looks like someone who's been holding it for quite a while finally released, and it shot up in the sky.

This could be seen all the way from SD to SF.

Alright, who did it?
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Dec 21 2018 06:52AM
     I am guilty of age-ism
How are you all handling growing old?

Me, not too good. Well, it finally happened...

Powers that Be at our organization just brought it fresh blood, and I do mean fresh.

My new supervisor is college age, and although the walk and talk of this individual shows the lack of sophistication that comes with experience, looking over the work portfolio and project reports humbled me.

And I don't like it.
And get off my lawn.

Any advice? (And yes, I already have my burial plot picked out).


Dec 15 2018 04:07PM
     For all you current and former semen
...dang auto corrector...

Ahem, for all of you with ties to the Navy, beef up your cyber security and remember your security protocols, if you have any.

China is looking for a way to get into getting into the accounts of US Naval contractors, and is not above hacking the info of their "friends" and posing as them.

Attached Links
China digging deep for flaws and hacks


Dec 7 2018 04:09PM
     Hard times are coming. What sre you doing to prepare.
Just spent the week crunching the numbers for me and mine, and it looks like its going to get tough soon. Most of my leads/income sources have told me 2019 will be a little tighter, so diversification may be in order.

I am not too proud to do shit work, including teaching abroad or driving trucks.

How are you planning to overcome the slow down?


Dec 5 2018 04:51AM
     Recommendations for better photography
Looks like people are getting a little sloppy with their newest pics, so here is a friendly reminder about ideal ways to take sexier pics.

Link will take you to a professional's tips, but here is a sample tip.

"This is another favorite look – totally easy and gorgeous. The backlight is natural light from a window, and if you overexpose a stop or two, you will be unable to see where the outline of your model’s body begins and ends, so I love using this one with plus-sized women since it’s very flattering, as in the pic at the top of this post. If you need a little more light, you can add a continuous or hand-held video light turned up just enough to give you a little boost from the front – I just eyeball this and adjust to taste.

The above pic was taken with just available natural light."
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Attached Pictures
The photo
The set up


Dec 5 2018 04:35AM
     Man attempts to legally change his age
Seriously, wtf is this guy thinking?

- "A Dutch court on Monday rejected a 69-year-old man's attempt to change his legal age to 49, even though the Netherlands does legally recognize transgender identity, which is similarly legally and scientifically problematic. "Positivity trainer" Emile Ratelband argued that if men can change their legal identity and birth certificate to read "female," then he should be able to alter his date of birth to avoid 'discrimination.' "
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I feel like a 49 year old


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