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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 5 2018 04:27AM
     Pegasus - Hide and Seek
Huh, I just tried to post this, but it didn't go through.

Heads up, there is tracking software out there for iPhones that can be used to hurt you if you are not careful.
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Dec 4 2018 11:48AM
     Another major online hack revealed
The company behind the Quora data sharing website says that a major hack was discovered 100 M users on Friday, and that user data was compromised.

Just a friendly reminder to keep good practices for your online information

Change your password(s) frequently
Don't use easy to figure out passwords
Limit the amount of computer(s) you log into.
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No comments yet

Dec 3 2018 12:02PM
     Question about the CA rail line
One of the big issues in the latest report is the issue of skilled laborers/engineers to work on it.

Although there are a lot of other issues (like how it's twice the price now, egads!) one of the big issues is the lack of skilled work force to help build it.

Now, I know jack and shit about engineering, but I would think that after some months of training a good group of those soon-to-be un-employeed workers at GM plants could make a fresh start here.

Turn two negatives into a positive, and hire Americans.



Dec 1 2018 10:58PM
     The way ward wanderer

Over there!

Is that a drunk who had one too many?
Is that a mentally addled homeless person shambling about?

No, it's the President of the United States.

As usual, the Don looked less the competent (let alone presidential) when he decided to drop the translator earpiece, then drop the translating device on the floor, then walked away during the middle of scheduled photo op with the president of the hosting country (and waived off the aide that was trying to get him back to the shoot).

It's not getting a lot of play in the States, but oh boy does it make his look like a baffoon internationally.


Dec 1 2018 03:54PM
     Who saw the UFO out by LAX
I don't know how this is not making the news, even in the tabloid news.

A few people out on boats and on the bike paths out by LAX say an object bright enough to shine in bright daylight over the water out between there and Catalina Island. It wasn't massive, but it gave off it's own light and had a red beam the pointed down into the water. A few people attempted to take cell phone videos before it flew/jumped at unbelievable speeds away.


Nov 30 2018 09:20PM
     Wait, there's actual voter fraud?
Votes have been actually stolen?
More ballots sent out then actual people?
Voters receive multiple ballots?

Local government is not certify the election until missing ballots are found?
And it's in the US!

Those dang-nabbit pesky Demo-... oh, wait, it's the conservatives who have committed shenanigans?
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Strange things are afoot.


Nov 30 2018 09:09PM
     The President has passed
Former President George H.W. Bush has passed away.

The last President I respected when I was a conservative.

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Nov 26 2018 12:12AM
     Composing the end of the year - best-of lists
Ok, it's about that time to start looking back and sharing all the good (and bad) that's you feel may help all of us enjoy a better 2019. Music, movies, etc.

I'll start. Best Drink of the Year. The Viserion "Dragon Ale" Grog (RUM).

Yes, I am an old nerd, and I socialize with younger nerds. And I got invited to the Labyrinth Costume Ball and after parties. One of which had a bartender with a themed selection of Rum "Dragon Ale" Grog, and this was mixed with Vermouth, curacao and a few other fruits, and it-

- was -

- the shit.

I had not felt the "graduation from fruit punch bowl alcohol to Hennessey" experience in a long time, but this draught of "ice and fire" made me feel like that.


Nov 25 2018 05:52PM
     San Diego / Tijuana border closes
So it begins.

The US immigration/border patrol has closed up many of the routes from Mexico into the States.

They have also fired tear gas into the crowds that are attempting to hop the border illegally.

Here's the kicker. The US fired tear gas INTO Mexico proper, and not the No Man's Land between the countries.

This will escalate.

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Nov 22 2018 03:17AM
     It’s going to be one of THOSE Thanksgivings
Family. Can’t live with them, can’t hide all the bodies.

What surprises are in store for you this year?
Willing to share?

I got a pair of doozies.

- The old friend of the family that has been in love with one of the older aunt’s and playing on her sympathies here got “busted.” Turns out it’s not cancer, but unchecked/untreated V.D. There are a late night calls/text mesages going around to uninvite him without breaking her heart.

- i just got back from the airport from picking up my neice, who is studying for her Master’s abroad. Sh And she brought along her boyfriend.
And her girlfriend.



Nov 21 2018 12:23PM
     Chief Justice shows Trump who's boss.
Oh snap.

Trump fits with the Court system have finally gotten the Supreme Justice (a.k.a. The Shot Caller) to Check himself before he wrecks himself.

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Shut your mouth and know your role.


Nov 20 2018 08:39AM
     So it looks like we might see a lot more people here
Stock holders are getting a pounding today, and not in a good way.

a lot of factors are really coming into play, but the news from Apple is leading the downward trend.

How is this affecting you people? I know I will need to cut back on X-mas presents.

There may be more day-traders here, posting pics and making new friends.
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Stocks downward slide


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