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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 19 2018 02:58PM
     A man in a red suit is coming this Christmas
And it's not Santa.

The PG-13 version of "DEADPOOL 2" trailer has been released, and damn if it did not get me in trouble at work from laughing.

PG-13 friendly?
Surely this is the sign of the Apocalypse.

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Nov 18 2018 06:02PM
     Thanksgiving week
All y’all going to hang with freinds and kin, or are some of you going to work out that big dinner with vigorous sexy time?


Nov 13 2018 06:37AM
     Leprechauns are coming back to retake the Earth
Just in. Little green men are coming to chew bubble gum and kick butt. And they are out of bubble gum.

News reports of alien lights moving at speeds and direction unmarched by current technoloy off the coast of Ireland.

Mulitple airplanes and tracking stations confirmed sightings this morning.
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Strange lights and flights over the weekend


Nov 10 2018 06:25PM
     Fire - Thousand Oaks/Camarillo part 2
Is anyone opening up their homes for loved ones or friends affected by the fire?

I'm currently helping a few people, and I know that I am paying it forward.
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Map it


Nov 10 2018 05:12AM
     Baba Yaga is back.
The man you send to “kill the f@cking ‘boogeyman’ “ is back.

One week into principle shooting for John Wick 3 has begun for May release.

Bring a pencil.
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Shotguns and ninjas


Nov 8 2018 04:10PM
     I just busted a nut at the office when I read this
"Breaking Bad" is coming back, as a movie.

Let me repeat for those of you still in shock.

Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are coming back...

... as a 2-1/2 hour movie.

"Yeah, BITCH!"
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Bryan Cranston confirms Breaking Bad movie


Nov 6 2018 08:29AM
     B!tch be cheating on me
It's crazy what pisses me off.

I'm working with a certain someone who is trying to make her big comeback into adult movies, and that means strict diet and gym time. Almost 30 days in, and we are showing signs of progress, but I find a little kooler bag full of half-eaten junk food hiding in the paper shredder disposal box.

It's not that she is cheating on the diet, but that she is hiding it from me. Act like an adult an own up to it.


Ladies, am I over-reacting?


Nov 6 2018 05:58AM
     I'm working for the wrong company
Wait a minute?

Strippers as a business expense? From a non-shady company?

Where do I sign up?!
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See her Under Armour and more


Nov 4 2018 02:43PM
     Ye veta a votar, taco eater.
Y'all anti-immigrants are in trouble.

Word is that the taco trucks are getting fired up and will be handing out tacos during Taco/Election Tuesday. And you know free Mex food motivates the Messicans like nothing else.

There are "events" like this in Austin and Houston already.
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Nov 3 2018 07:30PM
     What if women went on a sex strike before the midterms?
And there go elements of the far-left that think that having a sex strike by all women will get men to change their vote.

I'm reading it here, there and other odd places on the web. An attempt to get men to do things women want, and to mix things up so that the balance of power is shifted to women pulling more of the strings

A - a few days without sex will not affect men too much . Now a month....
B - would an open act of rebellion or a clandestine operation work?
C - would it back fire?

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Oct 31 2018 11:37PM
     Nightmare fuel 2018 - this year's cut
My entry for genuine nightmare fuel this year for Halloween (I know, I know, 30 minutes left but I means ta use it. We all know what can happen in 30) is Pretzel Jack from Channel Zero "Dream Door"

It's not what he looks like, its how he moves. Utterly inhuman, and creeps me out that there is absolutely no CG at all about it.

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Oct 31 2018 11:24PM
     What did you dress of as for 2018 Halloween
Me - John "Baba Yaga" Wick,....
....but after he went through all those assassins, and then used the pencil....

... and then had a whole pizza and maybe too much beer to numb the pain but still troopered on in the same work suit.

Don't judge me.

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