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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 7 2017 08:06AM
     Blade Runner 2049
Must see.

Spend the money.
Best sound you can find.

Story is alright, but wow, what a visual treat. The filmmdoes an amazing job of immersing you in the dust-opian (pun intended) future.


Sep 28 2017 10:48PM
     Paradise Lost
Looks like there are fewer places to take the Xmas vacation.

Puerto Rico and US Virgin islands have been trashed by hurricanes, with years of recovery in store before they make decent places to visit.

Now active volcanos have emptied out the Pacific Islands of Bali and Vanuata.

Sure looks like Earth is not a fun place to live in right now.
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Rumble in the jungle

1 comment

Sep 19 2017 08:52PM
     Exit strategy
Do you have one?

No, not for getting out of HX or quitting the fun around here, but for packing up, moving away and moving on if and when disasters hit your home.

I have a lot of friends in Texas and Florida, some who have actually got nothing but what ever they could pack in the car and flee with before the storm hit. My old mentor had just finished selling his home in FL and retired to Italy before Irma devastated his area, and he is grateful to be out.

And I have dear people I know in Mexico who are safe but some of their neighbors have lost things too precious to count.

I hate to say it, but most of us are due, especially in Cali, for something bad to happen. So it got me thinking.


... do you have accessible funds packed away you can access elsewhere, if need be?

... a place to go to and rebuild?

... a plan?


Aug 24 2017 08:04PM
     Whole Foods is lowering their prices
All of you Amazon account holders, get ready to reap the benefits.

Whole Foods will be offering discounts on a LOT of their quality (but over-priced) food wares to Amazon shoppers. Prime members will get even more discounts and in-store benefits.
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Aug 16 2017 09:54AM
     Gracias Espana!
Spain HBO has accidentally released the full Game Of Thrones episode 6, and the masses have taken grabbed it before it was yanked.

If you want major, major spoilers look online. A LOT happens this episode.


Aug 12 2017 03:44PM
     3 dead at National Racist rally
And it's not even dark yet.

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Aug 11 2017 12:55PM
     Are we looking for threats from the wrong direction?
I may be racist, but I pick and choose who offends me, and not the all encompassing racism for particular people's.

Anyways, i say that because I want to get it off my back before I start talking about Koreans.

Love 'em, have loved a few and a few are good friends. However, a recent comment over the water cooler at work with a Korean who services our tech got me worried.

North Korea is not above compromising family members of recent immigrants to help them hit soft targets.

How safe are we?


Aug 3 2017 11:52PM
     The Dark Tower movie
Oh boy.

Save your money. Buy the book instead. Unless you eant to see Edris
Elba get nekkid and wrestle a nude Matthew McCaughnohay in a suntan salon dripping withh body oil.

Because the sexual innuendo about "guns" and pointy things that hurt inside and man-on-man love/hate was not subtle.


Aug 2 2017 12:30PM
     White, English speaking people only.

Trump is going after legal immigrants and finding any wxcuse to kick people who will not help his agenda out of the country.

And he is gonna get slapped around like a b!tch by the supreme Court, the lawyers and Congress, who already say this move us un-American.
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Aug 1 2017 04:56PM
     Wait, it's raining?
Just got the car washed and I am wearing the new suit Ingot for me this weekend, and Inpop my bead out of the office to fet squirted on.

Wait, that came out wrong.


Jul 28 2017 05:31AM
     McCain just killed the repeal
The GOP majority gasped in horror as one as McCain just voted down the health care repeal, killing all chances to replace Obamacare for this year.

With a loud "NO!" And pointing at VP Pence, he fucked the Trump administration over, and can now rest knowing he did the right thing.


Jul 27 2017 11:43AM
     Why have the trangender announcement now?
Trump didn't need this kind of backlash or drama.

It's obvious he and his inner circle want to change the national discussion from Russia involvement to bashing on LGBTQ, a position where he is " on the right" and the "moral majority".

And the more the outrageous comments, the more people forget about how Putin keeps sliding it in and out of Trump.


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