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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 25 2023 12:21AM
     Today in stocks: Nvidia
Fuck me.

i keep kicking myself for not buying more Nvidia stock back at the start of summer when it was going down. Today’s nvidia news has the chip maker’s stoke rising, and it's looks like it will keep going up.
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Money money money


Aug 21 2023 07:27AM
     Tropical storm - the morning after
Looks like Palm Springs took a beating.

Baja California footage shows water up to people’s second story.

Lots of debris washed out of Compton.


Aug 20 2023 02:48PM
     Today in gloom: 5.0 in Ojai
No, that was not me dropping my meat stick I to go momma, that was a genui-iiine did-the-earth-move-for-you-tremor.

Yup, earthquake!

Just a reminder that we do live in a very shakey shakey part of the world.
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Aug 18 2023 11:07AM
     Climate change, part 2 - feel the burn
Those climate change deniers need to go out and experience the real world before parts of it are gone forever.

Some of my favorite deep sea diving locals and small private islands in Fiji and the Phillipenes no longer exist. Real tropical hideaways.

Been there for generations, beautiful areas, but they are gone/washed away with the elevated rise of the oceans and stronger storms.


Aug 15 2023 05:39PM
     Trump Indictments in GA, part duex
While Trump has the money to burn to hire as many lawyers to try to keep him out if jail, his co-conspirators…. Not so much.

“The Mayor” Rudy Giukiani has just run out of money to pay his lawyers, and Trump is not sharing.

I see someone flipping soon, and I head Giuliani actually making intelligent legal responses for getting into this level of trouble.
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Up to his elbows


Aug 14 2023 04:22PM
     The New Dukes of Hazzard
Looks like dem good ol’ boys from Hazzard County are accelerating and racing to jump the General Lee over the next obstacles set up by Sherriff Roscoe in order to save Uncle Jesse’s farm in time.

Except it’s not Luke and Bo Duke at the wheel, it’s team Trump with the Shitgibbon flailing away and ignoring laws of the road, rational thought and physics.

The possible indictments for Trump appeared and then disappeared from the GA website for a few minutes, but what was shown and what the charges will be are catastrophic to Trump’s defense.

DA Fani Willis has Trump not by the balls, but by the soul. He’s not going to jail, he’s going to hell.

And he’s taking the whole defense team with him.

Racketeering, and oh boy does Fani have the receipts.

Witnesses that are supposed to be in later this week are being seen now, as I write this, as the Grand Jury is set to announce their decision, sooner than anyone planned for.
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Rico sauve
Pedal to the metal


Aug 9 2023 10:57AM
Oh boy.

Check in on your friend over at the Hawaiian islands.

The fires out there are going from bad to worse.
Parts of paradise look like Mordor right now.
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Pelé is pissed off


Aug 8 2023 02:15PM
     Alabama shakes
How about that tussle over the weekend?

AlteEgo, yellow, vss4 and jackrabbit were out on the River in Montgomery, Alabama when they got a little uppity with how their “privileged” parking spot for their boat was being pushed aside by actual American’s. They decided to stop sucking each other’s dicks and jumó a brother, then all of a sudden dem der good ol’ boys got reminded that this is no longer 1960’s America and got woke upside their heads.

They even got freakin’ aquaman to sing “try that in a small town” on their sunburned skin.

“Oh ho say can you see, by the dumbasses dumb whites…..”

Sing along if you know the words.
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stone cold With the chair!


Aug 4 2023 02:02PM
     Good in between sex
Ladies, any recommendations of food you would like to eat during all day fuck-a-thons?


Aug 3 2023 10:51AM
     Third indictment for Trump. Airplane lands
Trump has left NJ for Washington, where he will do a perp walk and get his criminal picture taken.

And he is bragging that his guilty and he knows it:

“ "I NEED ONE MORE INDICTMENT TO ENSURE MY ELECTION!" Trump wrote on his Truth Social media platform ahead of his Thursday court appearance.

Can’t wait to hear the masses chant “lock him up! Lock him up!”
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Jail bird lands


Aug 1 2023 02:53PM
     Third indictment for Trump
Criminal is gonna do the time for doing da crime.

Suck it, bitches.
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Bam. 4 more separate charges.


Jul 31 2023 10:49AM
     RIP Paul Reubens
Pee-wee Herman has died.

Dude was fighting cancer for 6 years.


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