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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jul 30 2023 07:12PM
     It’s a concert, not a sporting event
The trend of fans throwing objects at performers continues, as Cardi B is the latest victim of this violent attack trend. And she let the fool have it, returning the favor with fury.

This trend of letting assholes be violent assholes getting worse, and It’s making my freída and I question if a concert is worth a hospital trip.
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Cardi ack attack


Jul 28 2023 08:22AM
     Lots of dead Russians
Has any noticed the number of important dead Russians lately?

Word from European news is that Putin is consolidating power and eliminating possible vipers in his midst, as the Russian mafia has put out a BIG bounty on his head.


Jul 24 2023 08:05AM
     Today in stocks: AMC
To those of you who ever thought that Barbie and Oppenheimer films would make a lot of money, good news!

If you invested in AMC movie theaters, you made a lot of money over the weekend.
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Making money


Jul 22 2023 10:17AM
     Any amazing swimsuits this summer?
Ladies, have you found any amazing swim suits you want to share?
Something eye catching?
Attached Pictures
You can swim in this?


Jul 21 2023 06:51AM
     RIP Tony Bennett
End of an era.

One of the last titans of yesteryear who was influenced by the Rat Pack and the music of that time.
To sing with Tony was always an honor, and Tony was talented and humble enough to sing with the younger generation of talent.
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Classy all the way


Jul 18 2023 10:20AM
     Finally. Jan 6th arrest for Trump
Pay back is a nasty cold bitch.

Trump himself has announced he received a letter stating that he will be arrested for Jan 6th crimes.
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Lock him up


Jul 15 2023 02:31PM
     Too hot to fuck
Damn it’s hot outside. Sun is barely tolerable.

Will any ladies be up past midnight for sexy time?


Jul 12 2023 08:44AM
     Want to fuck your favorite actress, part 2
Actor’s strike is set to happen later on today, if a deal is not in place.
And the under-the-radar sites are busy with a lot of activity as actresses find new sources of income.


Jul 7 2023 08:41AM
     Scent of a woman
Brining back an oldie but goodie…

Ladies, what are you wearing lately that drives men crazy at the aroma of you?


Jul 6 2023 09:59AM
     Prigozhin back in Russia
Looks like he and his merca never arrived at Belarus.

His office and company were raised by Russian security forces, and the man is out in St. Petersburg, but on the run.

Pass the popcorn, this should be good.
Attached Links
No place for the hero


Jun 27 2023 12:17PM
     Trump on tape
Yea, ladies and gentlemen, the notorious Russian Trump sex tape has been found and - surprise! - Trump himself leaked it.

It has him “leaking” gold all over Alter, Jackass and Edmond while they plead on their knows for more.

Oh, and that audio tape of him talking to writers (with no security clearance) and showing them stuff that should have been in a SCIF room.

Listening to the conservative news show they are shitting themselves as they spin the audio.
One look in their eye and you can tell they don’t believe their own lies.
Attached Links
Caught on tape


Jun 27 2023 10:40AM
     Today in gloom - pump it up
No, the runner toy balloon that Alter blows on Jackrabbit’s penis (to get it semi hard) has not popped.
They are both always limp.

The actual gloom is that the water we pump out of the earth has been affecting the planet on an increasingly damaging scale.

“Human depletion of underground reservoirs has shifted the global distribution of water so much that the North Pole has drifted by more than 4 centimetres per year.” - Science and Nature magazine.

4 cm! That’s bigger that Edmond’s penis!

Go on…..

“ Previous research has estimated that extracted groundwater, which eventually flows into the oceans, caused 6.24 millimeters of sea-level rise between 1993 and 2010. Between 2006 and 2015, global sea levels rose about 3.6 millimeters per year, and the new research confirmed that groundwater pumping has been a major contributor.

The increase in the amount of sea water that is available for the sun to heat will then affect how major climate events will unfold. This will change life styles along weather routes that are severely affected by storms.”
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The earth is tilting more than ever


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