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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 22 2023 11:00AM
     GOP civil war
Round one: MTG vs Boebert

pudding mud wrestling.

Wait, that’s not chocolate pudding….

I expect to see Mean Gene Okerland announcing the Congressional entry, and Macho Man Randy Savage giving the play by play.
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Meltdown on the House floor


Jun 20 2023 06:51AM
     Biden to plead guilty
Breaking news:

HUNTER Biden to plead guilty to tax misdemeanors and gun possession.

Calling President Newsom?


Jun 19 2023 12:38PM
     Titanic submersible is lost
A submersible craft used to take people to see the wreck of the Titanic has gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean with its crew on board, sparking a major search and rescue operation.

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3 lost tourists


Jun 15 2023 11:09AM
     Legal law 115-118
Oh boy.

Trump really screed himself.

The bill he signed that was meant for Hillary and journalist whistleblowers on his activities is now coming back to bite him.

“ Today, I signed into law S. 139, "FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017" (the "Act"). The Act reauthorizes Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act until December 31, 2023, and makes a number of amendments to current law. Section 702 of Title VII allows the Intelligence Community, under a robust regime of oversight by all three branches of Government, to collect critical intelligence on international terrorists, weapons proliferators, and other important foreign intelligence targets located outside the United States.

This intelligence is vital to keeping the Nation safe. As shown by the recent attacks in New York City and elsewhere around the globe, we face a constant threat from foreign terrorist networks and other foreign actors who would do us harm. In order to detect and prevent attacks before they happen, we must be able to intercept the communications of foreign targets who are reasonably believed to possess foreign intelligence information. Section 702 provides the necessary authority, and it has proven to be among the Nation's most effective foreign intelligence tools. It has enabled our Intelligence Community to disrupt numerous plots against our citizens at home and our warfighters abroad, and it has unquestionably saved American lives. The Act I have signed today preserves and extends this critically important national security tool.”

Trump qualifies as a direct violation of this act, and he turned 1 year sentences I to mandatory 5 years.

He is such an idiot and so fucked.
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Until the day he dries up


Jun 12 2023 07:33PM
     The “Gravy Train” has hit Miami
Many protestors have already showed up to protest in Trump defense and show off their MAGA pride.

Guess what they all share in common?


Jun 9 2023 11:10PM
     Trump indicted, part 2
Trump’s 2nd indictment:

The former president is facing 31 counts of “willful retention” of classified records, as well as several counts related to his alleged effort to obstruct the investigation.

“Oh no oh no,” one Trump employee allegedly texted about a photo of sensitive documents.
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Read em and weep


Jun 3 2023 07:06PM
     Today in Science: G Strings
Made you look.

No, we are not talking about Gst ring underwear and bikinis, but one-dimensional cosmic threads of light that pervade the interior of our galaxy.

“A team of international astrophysicists has made an extraordinary discovery in the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, as they have found hundreds of mysterious structures known as one-dimensional cosmic threads.”

Cosmic phenomenon like this are mind bending.

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Cosmic connections
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1 comment

May 27 2023 06:17AM
     Today in investments- NVidia
Holy shit that stock took off like a rocket and keeps going.
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The race for AI


May 24 2023 07:44PM
     DeSantis enters the race
At an event with Twitter and Elon Musk, and it was a technical fiasco.

Glorious incompetence.

It just cost him the Presidency, and DeSantis is now a joke.


May 23 2023 10:33PM
     Today in gloom - Titan fall
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Isaac Newton

Well, looks like we are loosing three artists who have influenced many a man while these great were in their prime.

- Remembering Ray Winstone: this Irish bloke could be charming or menacing, without ever loosing his wit or his cool. Whenever I READ James Bond, this is what I figured he looked like. Not Connory or Craig, by Winstone. And he had so much going for him, a resurgence of his acting career.


- Bruce Willis has dementia: he never was the singer he wanted to be, but when he wasn’t playing a comic book version of a hero he proved that a wise ass could hang with heavy hitters like Stallone and Schwarzenegger. I hope his life continues gracefully.

- Jimmy Buffet had a health scare: the man who showed new ways to chill and let good vibes roll, and this man influenced a lifestyle of playing hard after working hard. He will survive whatever-this-is, but he needs to be more careful from now on.

1 comment

May 23 2023 06:30AM
     How ‘bout them Lakers
Damn that was hard to watch.


May 20 2023 06:59AM
     Want to fuck your favorite actress?
Well, maybe not the ones who have great representation and have secured lots of cash for existing roles.... But the writers strike and possible upcoming actors strike *may* force some mid tier and low tier talent to start blogging on this board.

How would I know?
It happened last time the strike happened back in 2007-08.
.of course they would be very expensive dates. Big dinners with big tips.

But recognizable faces would suddenly be very happy to join you in some rutting.
And in this inflation economy, you may see that again.


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