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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 30 2023 08:18PM
     Trump to do the perp walk on Tuesday
Future prison bitch Don the Con is expected to turn himself for arraignment on Tuesday to New York authorities.

What are the odds that his bail will be revoked, as he would be a flight risk?
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Downhill from here


Mar 30 2023 02:55PM
     Trump has been indicted!
Suck it, Trumptards!

Orange jump suit is on its way!


Mar 23 2023 08:51AM
     We need to protest tomorrow-part 2. Buyers remorse.
Y’all got scammed.

It was all for the money.

“Former President Donald Trump is quickly capitalizing – and cashing in – on his escalating legal predicaments.

Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign confirmed to Fox News that they hauled in $1.5 million in grassroots fundraising in the three days following the former president’s warning on Saturday that he may face imminent indictment and potential arrest in connection with looming criminal charges from a district attorney in New York City.“
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Sucker born every minute.


Mar 23 2023 08:46AM
     Today in celebrity crushes - Sydney Sweeney
I’ve been hearing great things about how this actress really lets things are out, but I was not impressed then.

Now I have seen the body of her work and just thinking about that classic “dumb blonde” look makes me yearn for the glory days of 80s, when I was in my prime.

This girl knows she was blessed with that type of body and she shows it.

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Mar 21 2023 06:28AM
     Today in Gloom- the next plague
Well, looks like we got something new to worry about.

"The rapid rise and geographic spread of cases is concerning and emphasizes the need for continued surveillance, expanded lab capacity, quicker diagnostic tests, and adherence to proven infection prevention and control," CDC epidemiologist Dr. Meghan Lyman said.

Candida auris has been reported in more than 30 countries, and was first detected in the U.S. in 2016. Between then and December 2021, there have been 3,270 clinical cases in the U.S., in which patients have been infected, and 7,413 screening cases, in which the fungus was present in patients, but was not causing infection, the CDC said.
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Mar 16 2023 07:58PM
     Today in gloom - run on the banks - part 2
Looks like the big banks are helping support the medium sized banks that are feeling the pressure.
Those of you who bought stock in those banks this past week made some bucks, as stocks rebounded from the drop.


Mar 10 2023 11:30AM
     Today in Gloom - run on the banks
Everybody who was been watching their money saw this coming, but still.

If’s like seeing an out of control car, and then watching the explosion seconds later.

“ Regulators closed troubled Silicon Valley Bank after deposit outflows and a failed capital raise plunged the country's 16th largest bank into crisis, roiling the larger lending industry.”

Do you know where your money us? What’s it doing?
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Silicon valley shatters


Mar 9 2023 08:09AM
     Today in Gloom: zombie virus is alive
Science has done it again!

Why wait for man to kill himself off the planet when we can resurrect diseases that have not existed for millennia?

“European researchers examined ancient samples collected from permafrost in the Siberia region of Russia. They revived and characterized 13 new pathogens, what they termed “zombie viruses,” and found that they remained infectious despite spending many millennia trapped in the frozen ground.”
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Brought back to life

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Feb 21 2023 12:07PM
     Today in gloom- real estate deals in Ohio
If you have been saving up and thinking of investing in real estate in an affordable area, you are in luck!

Prices in Ohio are going boom!

People who are envious of the number of new real estate options in East Palestine have decided to say “hold my beer” and begun their own plan to put properties for sale at low prices!

Did you hear that thunder?! That was not the sound of lives being ruined, that was the sound of deals!
Those alarm bells are sales! “We will not be under sold!”


A metal plant outside of Cleveland, OH had an explosion where 13 people were injured and one death. The explosion, at this time, is of unknown origin.
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Ohio becoming more toxic
Ignoring the rules

1 comment

Feb 21 2023 06:09AM
     Today in gloom: step back
Today, Russia stepped away from the START nuclear treaty.
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Saber rattling


Feb 16 2023 12:44PM
     Bruce Willis is sick in the head
John mcClaine has been diagnosed with dementia now, above his aphasia that has killed his ability to speak.


Feb 15 2023 07:51AM
     Mardi Gras - Carnavale 2023
Any recommendations for great festival fun on Fat Tuesday?


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