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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 29 2022 09:44AM
     Get in shape sex positions
For those of you who want to brush up on some skills, or have extremely sore muscles for amazing sex, here are some sex positions that can help your body as you recover.
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Life hack


Dec 17 2022 11:56AM
     Treasures in your closets
What’s in your closet/storage space?

Might want to check. You may have gold you don’t know about.

I was trimming plants at one of my properties today, wearing stuff I pulled from storage. The neighbor and her boyfriend came back from a work out and yelled at me “what are you doing??”
I told he to mind her frigging business, as it was my property (not the tenants) and she said she was talking about my clothes. I needed something to wear to do the work and I grabbed sweats out of storage. She offered me $500 cash for what i was wearing, on the spot, and asked if I had a change of clothes.

Turns out my cheap, seldom used workout wear is worth $$$ to collectors now. And she buys and sells clothes. Vintage 90’s Russell solid black hoodie, with no discoloration and no fraying at the edges goes for about $250-$400 for collectors. Matching sweat pants of same quality, doubles the price. And I’m big, so the plus size makes it more valuable for big men with big pockets.

So as it was explained to me, to her it was like “shoveling shit at the farm while wearing Christian Louboutins”. Of course we had a deal.

Later this week she will make a pilgrimage to see what else she can buy from me.


Dec 12 2022 11:27AM
     New conspiracies: journalist dying at World Cup
Here’s a buried lead.

A second journalist has died covering the World Cup, and one of the security team members protecting them was seriously hurt “from a great fall” on the same day.



Dec 12 2022 10:34AM
     Today in Science: Bumping Uglies

Clean energy!

Not the “myths of youth” or Star Trek fiction or Goku/Vegeta gay jewelry merging, but actual net gain energy fusion reactions. And almost of good for you as great sex (looking at you June Moon)!😉

“ The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory uses the largest laser in the world to compress heavy hydrogen to conditions similar to those in the centre of the sun. The lasers enter the ends of a centimetre-scale cylinder, hitting its inner walls, making them glow x-ray hot, These x-rays then heat a sphere at the centre that contains the nuclear fuel. The outside of the sphere vaporises and becomes a plasma, that rushes off the surface, creating an imploding ’spherical rocket’ which in a few billionths of a second reaches velocities of order 400 kilometres per second. The subsequent ‘crunch’ at the centre is tailored in a specific way to make a hot spark in the middle, and the density of the compressed ‘fuel’ surrounding the spark is so great that the nuclear fusion reaction takes place in about a tenth of a billionth of a second – faster than the tiny hot sphere can fly apart.”
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Nuclear fusion


Dec 9 2022 08:48AM
     Adjusting for tough times
Financial Times (the investment news source) is starting to look at other ways people are making money during harsh times.

I bring this up because someone I know who travels abroad and does business here and there. She was asked to contribute to the news story. I was contacted because she referenced an adventure we shared in the Mediterranean. Long story short, for all you upper tier ladies, pay attention to newbies with British accents. They may be from FT and may be adding to their story about how things are done in the UK and abroad.


Dec 6 2022 02:26PM
Trump organization is guilty on all criminal charges!

Judge Juan “the Man” Merchan said “at this point the dictionary definition of the word ‘guilty’ should include the Trump Organization, and in all language translators as well.

Oxford dictionary has begun the edits. Other businesses are cutting ties with the organization.

Jackrabbit was not available for comments, as his jaw was still on the floor and homeless train hobos kept trying to keep the bukkake winter party jackrabbit requested going in his orifices.
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Justice is served


Dec 3 2022 11:30AM
     Today in gloom: stepping out into danger
Putin is taking a bold move and is going to personally visit occupied territory in Ukraine, according to international news.

He must have a lot of faith that his security can keep him safe while outside of Russia in active hostile territory.
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Dec 2 2022 02:53AM
     Today in gloom: rise of the machines part 10
San Francisco has decided to allow cops to use killer robots that kill you dead with pew pew pew!

“A proposal has been placed that would allow San Francisco police to use robots for killing “when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD.”
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You can run but you cannot hide

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Nov 18 2022 07:26PM
     Billie Eilish revisited
Must say, I am getting serious wood for her dripping wet in dark hair and dark clothes.


Nov 18 2022 07:09PM
     Service with a smile
Just talked with a buddy who I was doing overseas work with.

he is in Australia (with zones that lime what we indulge in), and his had his car serviced. And the mechanic shop also had a business partner next door where one could go and get “serviced” while waiting for car maintenance to be completed.
I thought that was a great idea... Better than sitting around and waiting for the car to be done.
Just have some fun!
And the ladies had guaranteed business and proper invoices for taxes.


Nov 18 2022 07:00PM
     UCLA/USC game
Who is going?


Nov 15 2022 12:12PM
     Today in gloom: ricochet
News reports are coming in from Poland that two missiles have hit the country of Poland and Poland is scrambling legal and military capacity to counter.

And of course the Russians are saying “it wasn’t us”.
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Fire in the hole

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