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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 12 2022 08:33AM
     Today in change - Putin asked to resign
We all have a pretty good idea what happens when you criticize Moscow leadership while in Russia.

You “jump out of a window.”

Well, the latest military defeat for Russia within Ukraine is causing open unrest and acts for Putin to step down (at best) or to be handed over for treason (at worst) from local level leaders within the capital and provinces. Practically a death sentence or a call for social banishment, and yet the voices are getting louder.

And it looks like it’s going to be either Putin or his general’s who have to fall on their swords, as Allie’s alike are calling for someone’s hide to pay for recent losses.
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Sep 9 2022 01:23PM
     Today in gloom - you thought it was over
Remember why vaccinations were so important back then, and why some of the counter arguments came are heard all over again?

If you guessed polio is back, your right!

The state of New York has declared an emergency as 5 more cases of polio have been discovered, and more samples with varying strains have been found in waste water.
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Deep rising


Sep 9 2022 09:44AM
     Trump fringes
Updates on other things “Trump being flushed down the toilet.”

- trump has his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton tossed out.

A federal judge in Florida has tossed a racketeering lawsuit that Donald Trump filed against Hillary Clinton and a slew of other defendants—dismantling his claims one by one in an absolutely withering critique.

“It is not simply that I find the Amended Complaint ‘inadequate in any respect,’” Judge Donald Middlebrooks writes at one point. “It is inadequate in nearly every respect. Everyone in this court room and involved in this should be sue you for wasting our time and get back the days this has wasted.”

- Steve Bannon has been indicted for fraud for stealing money from “build a wall” organization he set up.

“Former President Donald Trump’s longtime ally Steve Bannon pleaded not guilty Thursday to duping donors who gave money to build a wall on the U.S. southern border. The case, brought by New York prosecutors, is a state-level reboot of a federal case cut short last year by a presidential pardon.

Bannon, 68, was released after his arraignment on money laundering, conspiracy, fraud and other charges related to the “We Build the Wall” campaign. He is the second person pardoned by Trump and later charged by the Manhattan district attorney’s office for the same alleged conduct.”

- Trump May STILL have more missing documents in his possession that he should not have.

“Former U.S. President Donald Trump's team may not have returned all the classified records removed from the White House at the end of his presidency even after an FBI search of his home, U.S. prosecutors warned on Thursday, calling it a potential national security risk that needs investigation.

‘He may still have them in other locations to blackmail foreign powers into helping further his ventures.”
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Trump is inadequate in every way
Busted again
More documents missing


Sep 8 2022 07:32AM
     Trump selling secrets part 7 - foreign consequences
Well, more info from the investigation shows that Trump had documents that gave information about a foreign nuclear power’s capabilities. This is ultra secret, select Cabinet member eyes-only level stuff.

“A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month, according to people familiar with the matter, underscoring concerns among U.S. intelligence officials about classified material stashed in the Florida property.”

This may be a game changer, as a foreign power will want to punish Trump if he did show or sell their secrets to someone else. My money is that it is the French or Israeli info, and he sold it to the Saudi’s.

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Not your nukes


Sep 2 2022 06:04PM
     Trump selling nukes, part4 - inventory
Looks like some of the top secret documents found at Mar A Lago May already be compromised.

“The inventory was released as the Justice Department undertakes a criminal investigation, as intelligence agencies assess any potential damage caused by the apparent mishandling of the classified information and as a judge weighs whether to appoint a special master — essentially an outside legal expert — to review the records.

The inventory shows that 43 empty folders with classified banners were taken from a box or container at the office, along with an additional 28 empty folders labeled as “Return to Staff Secretary” or military aide. Empty folders of that nature were also found in a storage closet.
It is not clear from the inventory list why any of the folders were empty or what might have happened to any of the documents inside.”

At least 43 folders may be stolen, lost or sold already…
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Negligence and conduct unfit for command


Aug 31 2022 07:06AM
     Meet Christina Bobb
For those of you who don’t know, this is the lawyer who signed off in June that all of the documents had been returned from Mar A Lago to the Feds.

Wonder what she looks like naked?

Why do I ask? Because it looks like the DOJ is about to name I’m her in obstruction charges.

And she may flip.
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Pretty dumb


Aug 30 2022 09:36AM
Here’s how Trump wants to solve the current Mar A Lago fiasco.

Your former Tantrum thrower in Chief:

"This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country," Trump wrote. "REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!"

Since this post on social media, fund raising on Trump sides have taken a take spin, as the powerful PAC groups have questioned such a statement and are hard pressed to add more bucks to insanity (lest he take them with him) while the Far-right is pouring even more money into Proud Boys and other groups.


Aug 26 2022 12:22PM
     Trump search affidavit has been released
Oh boy.

Break out the lube, Trumptards, because there is going to be a lot of anal fucking on your end.
open wide for daddy.

“The sworn affidavit that prosecutors used to persuade a federal judge to let them search Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home earlier this month says that classified documents would likely be found there as well as “evidence of obstruction,” according to a redacted version released Friday.

“There is probable cause to believe that additional documents that contain classified NDI or that are Presidential records subject to record retention requirements currently remain at the PREMISES. There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found at the PREMISES,” the heavily redacted, 38-page affidavit reads.”


Here is what they found:

“A preliminary triage of the documents with classification markings revealed the following approximate numbers: 184 unique documents bearing classification markings, including 67 documents marked as CONFIDENTIAL, 92 documents marked as SECRET, and 25 documents marked as TOP SECRET. Further, the FBI agents observed markings reflecting the following compartments/dissemination controls: HCS, FISA, ORCON, NOFORN, and SI. Based on my training and experience, I know that documents classified at these levels typically contain NDI. Several of the documents also contained what appears to be FPOTUS’s handwritten notes.”

NDI refers to sensitive info retained by our international spies.

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Aug 22 2022 11:20PM
     Three hundred
No, not the number of senior hobo street trannies that are in line to get some Alter Ego love.

These are the number of classified documents Trump has had at Mar A Lago and that have been retrieved by US official since January.

The U.S. government retrieved more than 300 classified documents from former President Donald Trump�s Mar-a-Lago home this year, according to a new report.

�The New York Times reported late Monday that the initial batch of documents retrieved by the National Archives in January included 150 documents marked classified, with the rest being retrieved in June and during the FBI search earlier this month of Trump�s Florida residence.

The number of classified documents had not been previously reported, and the Times said the sheer volume may explain why the Justice Department moved so strongly in August to recover any additional documents.

The Times added that the fact that there were so many classified documents remaining after multiple government requests to return them suggested Trump was not cooperating and was handling them in a cavalier way.�
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Lock him.up! Lock him up!


Aug 21 2022 05:35PM
     HBO House of the Dragon
The good news: classic game of thrones is back. Admittedly most of the wow / shock factor is gone, because we have seen large dragons do their thing. Nothing new there.

However, we have good characters, backstabbing, villains to hate and schemes to unwind.

What did everyone else think?


Aug 17 2022 10:01AM
     Today in gloom: Vostok
China has announced that the Chinese Liberation Army is participating in joint military exercises in Russia, along with India, Belarus, Mongolia, AlterEgo, Tajikistan, and tacobandit.

"In accordance with the annual plan for cooperation between the armed forces of the two countries and the bilateral agreements the PLA will soon delegate and send part of its forces to Russia for participation in the Vostok-2022 exercise," the statement from the Chinese Defense Ministry reads.

“ The exercise will contribute to "friendly cooperation among the armed forces of all countries, as well as to increasing the level of strategic interaction by all parties and strengthen the ability to respond to various security threats.

We thank yellowB2 for volunteering to have every armed soldier to practice kicking in his balls with our steel tipped boots. This will help him/her/it save money as opposed to medical surgery until the man pussy ‘cave’ he/she/it desires is produced.”

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Aug 16 2022 07:24AM
     Today in Gloom: bow wow wow, yippee yo yippee yay
Monkey pox update; you can give it to your dog and vica versa
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