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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 21 2024 12:12PM
     Does it cum in Lou Goo flavor?
Unilever is spinning off their ice cream companies (which include Dreyers, Ben & Jerry’s, among others) into a new company in order to cut costs.

Price of ice cream maintenance is going up.

This may be an opportunity, as demand for ice cream will go up with the warming climate.
And there are technologies that keep ice cream cold and easy to travel out there.
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Ice cream


Mar 16 2024 02:34AM
     Welcome real estate agents
Welcome, real estate agents who just got fucked over by the changes to the pay model for NAR.

We know times will be tough, but we will gently ease you into this new status.
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Mar 15 2024 03:21PM
     St. Patrick’s day this weekend
How are your livers holding up?

What’s everyone doing?


Mar 12 2024 08:22AM
     Today in stocks: what goes up must come down
No, I am. It talking about the hard one deep inside longwalker’s mouth, anus and hybrid man-gina.

Boeing airlines is having major issues.

Good time to short the stock.

Inspections and halts of production.
Whistleblowers dying by “suicide.”
Existing flights delayed or cancelled and major airlines rethinking current orders.

So, former Boeing employees who have just joined us.

Welcome! We know that he only fans gets you certain a mount of income, and you wish to be more productive with your time. We hope you stay, and ignore some of the shenanigans here.


Mar 12 2024 07:30AM
     Spring break in miami crisis
The notorious shenanigans of spring breakers in Miami has the city installing cerfews, enforcing crowd limits and shutting down how much alcohol an individual or group can purchase.

That leaves bored money with hard ons and money to burn with nothing to do but sit alone in their hotel rooms.

What are entrepreneurial ladies to do in times like these….


Mar 7 2024 09:08AM
     AI generated images
Looks like Trump supporters have gone to a new low.

AI generated images of Trump looking happy with “black supporters” have been making the rounds, except that these are faked. The people that shared these images have included them in their messages that “black people” love trump, but instead of having actual content they are making it up out of thin air.

And dumbshits believe it to be true.

So look out ladies, your images may be used as a reference for the next AI generated image of Trump ”hanging out” with supporters.


Mar 6 2024 01:53PM
     Today in pain: bed bugs bite
Talk about wild life…

“ A California man staying at a Las Vegas Strip resort over the holiday season said he was considering legal action after he said his testicles were stung by a scorpion while he was asleep.“

Longwalker has been seen trying to check into the same hotel room to get a little injection for his love knob.

“Anything that can make my “man-pee pee pimple” look like an actual penis is welcome.” Longwalker was quoted.
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Under the covers

1 comment

Mar 4 2024 07:11AM
     Betrayed by the Supreme Court
SCOTUS keeps Trump on Colorado ballot.
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Loosing faith in SCOTUS


Mar 2 2024 09:33AM
     The betrayal of America by the Supreme Court part 3
“The Biden admin coordinating all these indictments is the actual threat to democracy, Trump was and never will be a threat to democracy lmao such a low IQ take. Claiming trump is a threat while the current administration actively uses the court to prevent the main challenger to power from running... that some African warlord shit right there.”

Except everyone knows these are separate groups that are seeking accountability and reciprocity on Trump for violation after violation.

Or can it be that the administration that “bungled everything since day one they took office”, per MAGA fools, is actually and successfully masterminding all of these attacks on Trump. All of this as part of a grand scheme to turn Umerika into several different states with uncertain gender less Muslims who want to kick the white Americans out and pay for and finance illegals to taking over Umerika to make Umerika brown again, so they can finally offer it to the Red Man as reparations for taking their land.

Holy white jeebuzz, what a bunch of dumb fucks.

Trump is guilty and paying heavily for his sins. And his pain has just begun.


Feb 29 2024 04:21PM
     Today in stocks- bitcoin at$60k
That’s what I get for not keeping my eye on the ball. I should have bought bitcoin when it dipped to 20, as it is now 60 and going up.
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Up up up


Feb 27 2024 07:38AM
     What’s with all the CGI AI generated images
White Jeezuss, what is going on with the flood of fake pics in the gallery this morning?

It started off with a little photoshop, and now no one is putting in the effort to make pics look real.

Is that princess peach from Mario games, only brunette?

That jaw line is impossible for a human, and that’s a man’s wrist and hand.
I wish my hands looked that strong! Strong enough to crush bowling balls.


Feb 24 2024 07:13AM
     Today in stocks: REDDIT
Looks like Reddit is going public, and from the initial "smell of things" this rollercoaster will make money fast on public excitement then lose money.
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