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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 20 2022 10:11PM
     Today in nut jobs- birds aren’t real
Found this gem of a conspiracy for all of you who don’t trust ”da gobermint”.

Birds Aren't Real claims that the "Deep State" killed off all of the real birds in the United States and replaced them with drones that are made to look like birds — and the drones are being used to spy on Americans.

“It basically became an experiment in misinformation,” McIndoe said. “We were able to construct an entirely fictional world that was reported on as fact by local media and questioned by members of the public.”

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Birds aren’t real


May 20 2022 09:26PM
     Memorial Day 2022
What is everyone planning?


May 19 2022 02:38PM
     Jello shot recipes
Anyone know how to make above-standard jellos shots?
Good recipes?


May 17 2022 07:52AM
     Deadpool 2022 - summer edition
Who has Eric Clapton on their list?

And, my god, Keith Richard’s is going to outlive us all.


May 6 2022 11:01AM
     Dropping the hammer

Talk about putting your foot in it.

“Former President Donald Trump suggested launching missiles into Mexico to destroy cartels' drug labs, the former defense secretary Mark Esper wrote in his upcoming memoir, according to The New York Times.

"They don't have control of their own country," Trump said about Mexico, according to Esper.

Esper said he had objected to the idea at the time.

But according to him, Trump responded by proposing they "just shoot some Patriot missiles and take out the labs, quietly", adding that "no one would know it was us," according to the Times.“

Ladies and gentlemen, another example why Trump and his enablers should never be in office.

And now he has a big target on his back.
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Ballas paribba. (Guns up)


May 5 2022 12:53PM
     What is the most arousing thing you have overheard?
Shopping for replacement TV’s for one of my units, and I overheard a customer tell the sales person “you smell like sex” to him while he explained the difference to her about tv glare in a dark room like the bedroom as opposed to the living room. Got him to loose his composure, and he fidgeted with his wedding ring. She did not step out of his personal space.

It wasn’t just what she said, but the genuine seduction in her voice that made it irresistible.
And she was not bad looking, either.


May 3 2022 12:37AM
     Roe vs. Wadeto be overturned?
Leaked Supreme Court draft is causing a major ruckus.

More to come.
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May 2 2022 10:26AM
     Today in Nature: trees talk to each other
Just spent the weekend in San Francisco and spent most of the time in Muir Woods.

I know this place is not the normal place to talk about them, but I thought I needed to share the experience. Took a walk and a nap near a tree and you could feel the life around you, and that was invigorating, body and soul.

For anyone who is experiencing a lot of toxins, this helped out a lot.
Attached Links
Trees talk to each other, underground network


Apr 22 2022 11:41AM
     Stock market in transition
For those of you have saved your money and plan to invest in stocks, opportunities are opening up.
The market is down, and will continue in that direction.

When it will rebound, who knows.

And Best Buy air fryers are being called back.
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Down periscope


Apr 18 2022 04:31PM
     Not so happiest place on Earth
The city of Anaheim and the surrounding areas that have hotels on Beach Blvd are cracking down on the seedier types of guests and activities.

Heads up, as local small hotels/motels have called in more law enforcement to patrol the area rather than to comply with costly upgrades requested by the city.

Oh yeah, and lawyers for both sides are taking this to court, so you know it’s real.

1 comment

Apr 17 2022 05:19PM
     Your 2022 BBQ playlist
Easter weekend is almost up, and people are making a lot of BBQ.

There were so many that people were bbq-ing on one of those green sidewalk “islands” with portable grills because the rest of the park was filled to capacity.

(Of course I am in the hood. I got friends in low places I need to “represent” with now and then.)

Anyways, what’s on your playlist?

My must haves when grilling:

Kool and the Gang
Bob Marley
Carlos Santana
Stevie Wonder
Creedence Clearwater
(Early) Aerosmith

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Apr 16 2022 09:18PM
     Happy Easter
Have a happy Easter, everyone.


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