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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Apr 12 2022 04:20PM
     Today in Gloom: So long, Gilbert
Damn, the world is a colder darker place today.

We lost Gilbert Gottfried.
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Apr 12 2022 10:07AM
     Brooklyn shooting
Mass shooting in New York.

Shooter still active.

Reach out to your friends in NY, check in on them.
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Danger in the subway


Apr 9 2022 08:51AM
Nope? Not talking in code (heads out of the gutter) nor opening my own lemonade stand.
I’m looking to buy the real deal gen-u-iiine good stuff.

Looking for a good source of fresh, all natural lemon/lime deliciousness. All natural sugars, no alcohol. Willing to drive a bit to get some. And no supermarket nonsense.


Apr 4 2022 08:38PM
     New dining experiences 2022
Just came back from a casual business dinner at Grandmaster Recorders in Hollywood.

Very nice change of pace that echoes some of the 80s & 90s music scene in LA.

The Wagyu Ribeye as close to a meal that is as close to “better than sex” than I have had in many moons. You do get what you pay for, and dining here was an experience not soon to forget.

Any new gems that you have found?

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Apr 1 2022 09:41AM
     Today in Gloom: fuel to the fire
Ukrainian’s are getting bold and showcasing that the almighty Russian defense is a shit show as helicopters attacked and hit a fuel depot inside Russia.

The bold move showed severe weakness in Russian defenses and has hit the economic lifeline Russia needs to stay economically afloat as the Russians need to sell fuel.

The attack inside the homeland has made Putin look weak and his readiness has been called into question.

But it shows the conflict is far from over.
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Belgorod attack

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Mar 30 2022 11:22AM
     So long Bruce Willis
Looks like Bruce Willis is out of activity as he is showing signs of aphasia, an inability to communicate verbally and understand spoken word.


Mar 27 2022 02:38PM
     What is the Mens Underwear Economic Index
Is it the scorecard about how much pussy you got?

The amount of inflatable balloons it takes to make your dick look bigger than it is?

How many credit cards you have in the “bulge” of your pants?

Nope, something simpler.
And it has proven to be a reliable method of seeing how the economy is doing.

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Alan Greenspan method
Recession indicator


Mar 23 2022 08:09AM
     Today in Hope: take back the streets
Word is getting out that the Russians are loosing the ground battle, and Ukrainians are taking control of their lands slowly but surely.
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Fight the power that be


Mar 20 2022 05:00PM
     Clarence Thomas is sick
Another opportunity to balance SCOTUS.


Mar 20 2022 03:16AM
     Today in gloom: it’s getting hot in here
So take off all your clothes.

In case it did not make your news updates, Antarctica and The Arctic both reached record temperatures today.

“increased temperature changes caught officials at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, by surprise because they were paying attention to the Arctic where it was 50 degrees warmer than average and areas around the North Pole were nearing or at the melting point, which is really unusual for mid-March, said center ice scientist Walt Meier.

"They are opposite seasons. You don't see the north and the south (poles) both melting at the same time," Meier told The Associated Press Friday evening. "It's definitely an unusual occurrence."
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Mar 15 2022 08:31PM
     Today in stupid: why are there still apes?
This is the leading GOP candidate to challenge Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) for his seat.

If you were to ask this man “are you stupid?” there would be no shame.

“ Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker expressed skepticism over evolution during a recent event at a Georgia church, questioning whether such a thing can be real based on the current existence of apes.

"At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? ... If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it," Walker said in an appearance at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia on Sunday, HuffPost first reported his remarks.


This is the leader? I know bartenders and street cleaners in GA with better sense.
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Bless your heart


Mar 14 2022 11:42AM
     Comrade Carlson
You know those Russians. Crazy commies can’t get enough bootlickers, and boy do they love the tools that work for them for free. Case in point, Putin’s top bitch in Us medí. It’s not Trump anymore, no, Putin has a new #1 street bitch.

Tucker Carlson.

From the article that refers to leaked internal Russian media:

“ It said the memo included an instruction: “It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticises the actions of the United States [and] Nato, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, [and] the defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the eastern countries and Nato towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally.”

“And someone give watersport a few extra cookies in his lunch pail for being a good boy.”
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Try the fucker for treason already


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