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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 14 2022 09:52AM
     Pie day!
Happy Pie day?

What is your favorite slice?

I love me some June Moon pie.


Mar 11 2022 06:36PM
     Today in gloom: deer hunter
Researchers suspect humans gave COVID to deer. And it once spilled back into a person.

Two studies still out for review show the latest evidence for COVID spillover from humans into white-tailed deer. The strains in the animals had been circulating for months, picking up mutations.

The COVID virus may mutate back and forth As it crosses between species, and it may be here longer than planned.
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Mar 11 2022 12:45PM
     Where is China in all this Ukraine chaos
Looks like the Chinese are backing the Russian spin in how things are going.

We now know where they will be should triggers be released.
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Different shade of red, but still red


Mar 10 2022 01:38PM
     Private dick- trouble in Rancho
Safety warning!

Just a heads up, I overheard a private detective talking to a client (a wife) about the man he was hired to find to see if he was cheating while at a tech store today, out in Rancho Cucamonga. It sounds like “run of the mill” stuff until he mentioned that the ”she” has a profile on this site and other similar places, and that the lawyer she hired will want his testimony so he is asking for $$ to “meet and greet.”

Play it safe out there.


Mar 8 2022 10:26AM
     Today in gloom: giant mutant spiders from space
Just when you thought you were safe: giant flying fucking spiders!!!

The large spider uses web parachutes to fly as far as 100 miles at a time!

They rip your head off and shit down your neck and drink your beer without buying more to restock your fridge!

Ok, that last part may not be true.

But they are coming, and adults are 3-4 inches long. Yes, GoBalls, that is bigger than your dick and no do not let them bite your dick so it swells up.

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Mar 7 2022 01:21PM
     Today in Hope: Anonymous attacks
The hacker group Anonymous has begun cyber warfare at an unprecedented scale, as the group has hacked Russian news media outlets and shows Russian’s what the government is doing in their name.

“ Anonymous, the online group of hackers, has claimed that they successfully infiltrated Russian state TV to show citizens the true devastation of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The group shared footage of the deed on Twitter which shows a TV streaming the devastation in Ukraine as the war entered its 12th day. ”

Higher ups in Russia are FURIOUS over the breach
Anonymous claims they can still deliver actual footage to the Russian masses
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Ukraine invasion in all its ugliness


Mar 7 2022 11:08AM
     Brighter futures
For you ladies who have an exit plan after this, success is possible.

Long story short, just came back from signing loan docs for a new real estate investment.

The broker/owner was someone who I ”bumped” into just over a decade ago while the person was studying to get her license. Now she has her own office and staff.

So succcess can be done.


Mar 5 2022 10:44AM
     How is Putin paying for this war?
I brought up earlier that Putin pour more money into mercenaries than into keeping the Russian people’s needs met during the harsh sanctions imposed on Russia.

Putin isn’t sweating it. Seems he has the money to burn, and has not been reported.
He has been smuggling 30 tons of Sudanese gold into Russia since 2013.

1 ton of gold = $ 63.4 M US. (approx.)

30 tons x $63.4M x 9 Years = $17 Billion
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Money to burn


Mar 4 2022 11:41PM
     Today in Gloom: Mercenaries
No, not the preferred sexual position, but actual guns-for-hire.

Instead of using funds to help prop up his country, Putin has activated approximately 1000 mercenaries to enter and cause mayhem in Ukraine. Including the infamous Wagner Group.

Worse yet, reports are coming that the different teams of warriors are coming from the badlands of Africa to cause carnage in Europe.
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About the Wagner Group
1000 mercs


Mar 3 2022 05:37PM
     Today in gloom: Chernobyl, the sequel
So far, despite the destruction and carnage, the NATO forces have opposed sending troops.

That may change in the blink of an eye if the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant explodes.

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine is on fire, says mayor of local town.
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Fire seen miles away
Radiation levels rising
it’s flaming gay goballsdeep radioactive hot


Mar 2 2022 08:34PM
     Orange Man Bad, part XXV
Paperwork has been filed getting closer to Trump never ever holding office again.

"The Select Committee also has a good-faith basis for concluding that the President and members of his Campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States," the filing said.
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Trump takes more up the ass


Mar 2 2022 01:14PM
     Corona fire: check in friends
Looks like something just began to burn, and burn big in Corona/ Anaheim Hills.

Please check in and let us know if you are ok.


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