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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 2 2022 11:00AM
     Heroes of Ukraine: Zelensky
Assassination plot has been foiled and the elite strike team taken out.



Mar 1 2022 12:12PM
     Today in Gloom: get out part 2
The Russians have told the citizens of Kyiv to get out, as they plan to blow the place to hell.

The army of foreign defenders has started to arrive, not associated with any specific army but with the intent to stop the Russians.

I can’t believe this is not fiction.
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Fire storm
Defenders assemble


Mar 1 2022 04:48AM
     It’s Mardi gras
Show us your boobs!

1 comment

Feb 28 2022 05:20PM
     Today in Hope: Get Out
Well shit, this is awkward.

One of my properties is now looking for tenants as I have been given a 30 day notice by a tenant. Put my info on the MLS and boom.

Among the hopefuls is an accountant who is representing a foreign family from… take a guess?

And one of my airline pilot friends has asked about it for another family on the other side of the conflict.

In short, people are leaving or planning to leave Ukraine and Russia and are not going back.

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Take the money and run


Feb 28 2022 10:45AM
     Today in Hope: Ukraine just applied to join EU
Their cutting the bullshit and bureacracy and fast tracking Ukraine to join EU.

Putin has done what decades of posturing could not.
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Sign ‘‘em up


Feb 27 2022 03:23PM
     Today in Heroes of Ukraine - Anastasia Lena
Got to give it to the Ukrainian people. Tough people who are willing to give it all up to face the Russian armed forces.

Case in point: Anastasia Lena.

I’m not going to make any crude remarks or anything to dishonor her.

Pretty girl, lucrative job, no need to risk life, limb or worse but she is stepping up and grabbing a rifle and taking orders to defend her nation.

Barely learning about her but word on social media. Is she has used some of her own money to help purchase arms and living essentials for the long haul to defend Ukraine.

I salute you.
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Definitely NOT a bitch


Feb 27 2022 01:01PM
     Today in gloom: Get Out
US officials are telling all Americans within Russia to get out or risk being stuck there.
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Nope. Bye.


Feb 27 2022 08:20AM
     Today in sex: sex fuel
Also known as good food that helps increase sex drive and pleasure.

Spring is almost here, and many of these foods will be readily available.

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1 comment

Feb 27 2022 08:02AM
     That other “war” the US was in
The trade war with China.

We’ve had time to asses and do the math as to what we got and what it cost from the US China trade war.

Here is what are the results of the Phase One trade deal that Trump negotiated.

“The tit for tat finally stopped in January 2020, when both sides signed what is known as the Phase One trade deal. In it, the Trump administration said China committed to buy an additional $200 billion worth of American exports in 2020 and 2021.

This was a “problematic” and perhaps “unrealistic” provision, according to economist Chad Bown, who had been tracking the progress of the trade deal. He said it required China to first resume trade with the U.S. at the same level as before the trade tensions, which would have required time to rebuild business ties severed during 18 months of tariffs before China could buy more American exports.

In the end, Bown found, China did not fulfill its purchasing commitment.

“China actually bought none of those additional $200 billion worth of American exports,” he said.”
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Feb 26 2022 08:50AM
     Today in Gloom: Article 5 of NATO
Ukraine is not part of NATO, but that does not mean that we are not going to be prepared for the conflict.

Cyber attacks that have hit Ukraine are not surgical, and once any of our NATO Allies get hit by a cyber attack, that triggers Article 5, and then the US will go to war.

“ What could trigger this?
Russia has attacked Ukraine by land, sea and air – but there remains a question over cyberattacks.

Less than 24 hours after the invasion began, U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., warned that if Russia launched major cyberattacks on Ukraine, the damage could spill beyond the country's borders.

Sen. Warner says a direct NATO-Russia conflict would be 'uncharted territory'
Sen. Warner says a direct NATO-Russia conflict would be 'uncharted territory'
"When you launch cyberattacks, they don't recognize geographic boundaries. Some of that cyberattack could actually start shutting down systems in eastern Poland," he said.
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Sabers drawn


Feb 25 2022 12:22PM
     Today in Gloom - Kyiv is about to fall
NOW Putin is open to talks.

Damn, I thought the Ukrainians would last longer.


Feb 24 2022 11:39AM
     Today in Gloom - Chernobyl
well, its getting bad fast.

Russia just captured Chernobyl.


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