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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 13 2022 04:25AM
     Just for the ladies
Ahem, ALERT! 🚨 🚨 ALERT!

Jason Momoa is now a free man.

You’re welcome
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jason and Lisa split


Jan 12 2022 08:40PM
     Today in Gloom- asteroid on approach
“An asteroid that is wider than the tallest building in the world is set to make one of its closest encounters with Earth next week. NASA projects that the asteroid, named 7482 (1994 PC1), will fly by on January 18.

The asteroid is estimated to measure at roughly 1 kilometer, or more than 3,280 feet, across — a size that is more than twice the height of New York's Empire State Building, which is 1,454 feet from base to antenna, and hundreds of feet more than Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, which is 2,716.5 feet tall. “

Not to worry, though. The space rock will pass by more than a million miles from our planet on Jan. 18.

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Near doomsday Fly by


Jan 11 2022 04:07PM
     Smart guns now available in the US
Looks like firearms tech is improving who can use a weapon.
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For your hand only


Jan 5 2022 04:18PM
     RIP Kelly Erny, part 2
Well, looks like the cuckoos are out and about.

While there are those that are happy that Erny did not pass the Darwin test, it seems that those who should support her are turning against her, as they believe she died BECAUSE she took the vaccine, not because she was against it. And despite the many repeated messages from her friends and family saying she never took it, people do not believe it and wish her loved ones bad.

“ "I have received over 200 emails, DMs or tweets with death threats, people praising my friends death and/or those calling for us to die, in the last 24 hours," Ernby's friend, Ben Chapman, who is also the chairman of the Greater Costa Mesa Republicans, wrote on Facebook on Monday.

"...My friend was not vaccinated and no one of credible source is making the claim she passed due to being vaccinated. Her husband and I have openly stated that she was not vaccinated."

You guys are your own worst enemy.


Dec 25 2021 07:40AM
Just started opening up Christmas presents and holiday cards.

Seems like my dear ones think I spend my life at Target and Costco.

Anyhow, does anyone take *verified* gift cards in lieu of??
These are for pretty decent amounts.


Dec 15 2021 09:41AM
     the story of the hero who had his secrets revealed
Yes, an upcoming spectacle is about to be set upon us!

The story goes that due to poor planning this �¢ï¿½ï¿½hero�¢ï¿½ï¿½�¢ï¿½ï¿½had the secrets he held onto dearly suddenly revealed to the masses, and he reached out to superior powers to help him conceal or undo his exposure, only for the whole thing to blow up even further in his face.

No, it�s not �Spider-Man: No Way Home� , it is �OrangeMan Bad: Got You by the Balls and Your Gonna Swing�.

Congress can see his tax returns and share it with the world, and Congress is also seeing what occurred on Jan 6th and how Trump did nothing to quell the insurrection.

Glorious day, better than Christmas, as we are that much closer to seeing Dump in a jump suit!
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Not just no, but fuck no
Spread wide, Trumptards. Here comes the fisting

1 comment

Dec 13 2021 11:58AM
     We lost “Chente”
Break out the best tequila, serve your finest glass and hoist it high, cabrones.

We lost Vincente Fernandez, the legendary mariachi king, yesterday.

I’ve seen grown men, bad ass pinche motherfuckers, cry when that man sang. I’ve had the honor of meeting him in the 80s, and he was a small tired Mexican. But when he sang….. you could see the man grow 2 feet taller and that voice of his boomed over space.

We lost a true king.
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Volver volver
El Rey


Dec 8 2021 03:24AM
     Earthquake at 2:30 am
Anyone feel that?


Dec 5 2021 11:47AM
     RIP Senator Bob Dole
I may not have liked him while he was in office, or his decisions, but I respected him and his values and ideals.
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Dec 5 2021 04:42AM
     Thinning the herd. Trump voters most likely to die for being stupid.
Well, time and facts(and body bags) are proving that misinformation will get you killed.

The number of MORTALITIES can no longer be ignored.

“ Misinformation appears to be a major factor in the lagging vaccination rates. The Kaiser Family Foundation's polling shows Republicans are far more likely to believe false statements about COVID-19 and vaccines. A full 94% of Republicans think one or more false statements about COVID-19 and vaccines might be true, and 46% believe four or more statements might be true. By contrast, only 14% of Democrats believe four or more false statements about the disease.”


“ Being unvaccinated increases the risk of death from COVID-19 dramatically, according to the CDC. The vast majority of deaths since May, around 150,000, have occurred among the unvaccinated, says Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.

While vaccine hesitancy exists in many different groups, Hotez suspects that the deaths are "overwhelmingly" concentrated in more politically conservative communities. "How does this make sense at any level?" he asks.”
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Trump land has more dead 💀
The new plague: misinformation + covid = dead
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Chart the dead


Dec 1 2021 02:08PM
     Omicron is here
First case of Omicron has been reported in the US, and it is in California.

Be safe out there.

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Get down with the sickness


Nov 30 2021 03:28PM
     Thanksgiving left overs
How many of you still have goodies from last week?

I have Franken-noodles that I want to throw out and so much Turkey still, not to mention Iranian meat pies (Persian sambooseh).

Of course the booze is gone….

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