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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 3 2021 09:06AM
     Today in science: King Kong comet
In about 10 years, the Bernadelli-Bernstein comet, the largest comet to be discovered in modern times, will be entering our solar system.

It’s 1000 times bigger than any traditional comets, about the size of a small planetoid. In 2031 it will go as far as Saturn, then turn back into the Oort Cloud.

No gloom here, just awe.
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It’s so big.

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Oct 2 2021 07:40AM
     Today in science - drink up me hearties yo ho
Is red wine good for you? One more scientific article proves yes.

Yup, in moderation:

“Red wine increased pleasure and arousal, decreased the awareness of time, slowed the subjective passage of time, increased the attentional focus on the present moment, decreased body awareness, slowed thought speed, turned imagination more vivid, and made the environment become more fascinating,” the researchers found. “Red wine increased insightfulness and originality of thoughts, increased sensations of oneness with the environment, spiritual feelings, all-encompassing love, and profound peace. All changes in consciousness occurred regardless of volunteers drinking alone, in dyad or in group.”

“ Red wine increased arousal. Ethanol is commonly seen as a sedative substance largely because of its action on the GABAergic system, but ethanol also causes dopamine release in the brain [50], which makes it act to some extent as a stimulant, especially at moderate doses. Additionally, the ethanol present in red wine can increase heart rate [50,51] and muscle sympathetic nerve activity [52], which may contribute to the subjective feeling of arousal. The increases in heart rate correlated with increases in central dopaminergic activity [50]. Such activation of the dopaminergic neurons is consistent with the documented effects of a moderate dose of alcohol on the reward system by which incentive salience is increased [53,54].”
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Red red wine you make me feel so fine

1 comment

Sep 26 2021 09:07AM
     Sexy Halloween costumes
Ok ladies, are you having a hard time picking a costume for All
hallows Eve?

Need help?

Post your sexy pics here. Get some positive feedback.

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Sep 23 2021 10:01PM
     Maricopa AZ results are in
Losers are gonna lose, Trumptards will be Trumptards, and it was all a waste of time and money and political capital.

“ A widely criticized, GOP-led review of the 2020 election in Maricopa County concluded that Joe Biden received more votes for president than Donald Trump.

According to a draft copy of the findings obtained by KJZZ, a hand recount of the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County hewed closely to the official canvass of the results approved by county leaders.

In fact, the hand recount for Biden exceeded the county’s tally by 99 votes, while Trump received 261 fewer votes than the official results.

Randy Pullen, a spokesman for the election review, confirmed the validity of the draft.

“It’s not the final report, but it’s close,” he said.

“We are thinking of bringing back the school of Rock cartoons from the late seventies and adding. We songs to show about how elections are counted, what 1 + 1 means as math never changes, and how to be gracious losers.”

“Unfortunately, stupid is as stupid does. Even if we have them draw less than/greater than signs in crayons, Trumptards are gonna Trump and show they live in a different reality from the real world. We hope that history will teach future generations that people like this need to be neutered so they do not breed more idiots.

And Go Wildcats!”
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Trump lost even more than he thought


Sep 22 2021 09:22PM
     So good i had to share

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She’s a keeper

1 comment

Sep 21 2021 08:23PM
     For those of you who need to update your sex toys
A few recommendations.
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18 variations of toy pleasure


Sep 20 2021 11:13AM
     Real estate bubble
Any of you investors getting the calls from business partners/fellow investors about the market bubble may pop…. in China?

Remember how our bubble affected the world with cascading back 2008? We may have the same repercussions now.

“ China Evergrande is teetering between a messy meltdown with far-reaching impacts, a managed collapse or the less likely prospect of a bailout by Beijing for what was once the country's top-selling property developer.

Founded in Guangzhou in 1996, Evergrande has epitomised China's freewheeling era of borrowing and building, but with liabilities of nearly two trillion yuan ($305 billion) its possible collapse looms as one of China's largest for years.

Debt and land-buying curbs and hundreds of new rules have been imposed on Chinese developers over recent years as part of a push to cut financial risks and promote affordable housing.

Now, without access to fresh funding, Evergrande cannot pay suppliers, finish projects or raise income, prompting it to hire advisors and warn of default risk. This, along with a buyout, break-up or bailout are the scenarios now being evaluated. read more

And while analysts have played down comparisons to the 2008 collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, which caused crises at counterparties and ultimately seized up global markets, some investors have similar contagion concerns.“
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Pop goes the hymen


Sep 17 2021 08:31PM
     Justice for January 6th
What are your predictions?


Sep 16 2021 10:44PM
     Holiday plans - 2021
Anyone made plans for news years? Christmas?


Sep 16 2021 03:07PM
     General Milley talked to China, part 2
The story gets more interesting as more comes out.

In short, Milley was so disturbed by Trump’s actions and behavior and that none of Trump’s inner circle was wrangling him in that he thought it best to protect the nation in this manner.

More importantly, as Trump is no longer an active leader Congress May request a mental evaluation.

This should be good…


Sep 13 2021 07:26PM
     Matrix: Resurrections
Neo is back.


Sep 13 2021 03:12PM
     Biden is in town
This should make for comedy gold later today.


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