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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 10 2021 05:59PM
     Today in gloom: omega Mu
In case anyone is getting bored with Delta, don’t pout.

New and improved Mu covid variant is on it’s way, and it has 2 reported caEs where it bypasses vaccine
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What is Mu?
Well shit, looks like covid will be around for a b


Sep 8 2021 09:20PM
     Strange lights over Mexico
Mexicans are sharing spectacular videos of bursts of blue lights seen streaking across the skies as a strong earthquake rocked the country's Pacific coast city of Acapulco on Wednesday.

Looks like Godzilla is fighting something out in the distance, the blue lights are so intense.
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Sep 6 2021 03:57PM
     RIP Michael K Williams
The actor who played Omar Little on the Wire has passed.

Damn, that guy is captivating on screen.

One of my favorite scenes:


Sep 6 2021 01:31PM
     Today in gloom: death star
Well, we now have a good idea what will happen when the sun attempts to kill us.

“An international team of astronomers flipped it again in 2018 and found that a planetary nebula is indeed the most likely Solar corpse.

The Sun is about 4.6 billion years old – gauged on the age of other objects in the Solar System that formed around the same time. Based on observations of other stars, astronomers predict it will reach the end of its life in about another 10 billion years.

There are other things that will happen along the way, of course. In about 5 billion years, the Sun is due to turn into a red giant. The core of the star will shrink, but its outer layers will expand out to the orbit of Mars, engulfing our planet in the process. If it's even still there.
One thing is certain: By that time, we most certainly won't be around. In fact, humanity only has about one billion years left unless we find a way off this rock. That's because the Sun is increasing in brightness by about 10 percent every billion years.”
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SPF one million


Sep 3 2021 06:38PM
     Labor Day is here
Where the fuck did the summer go?

Damn, that was fast.

Whatcha doin’ this weekend?
Mme: date with the hair stylist who cut my hair today. Country line dancing, then beer and who knows what other kind of mischief.


Sep 2 2021 10:08PM
     Unusual cover songs
Heard this on my drive, and had to share.

I KNOW this will make you think of a special lady who just has to have it and knows how to get it from you.

Have you heard any cover songs that make you go “whoa” and like the reinterpretation?
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Give it to me


Aug 30 2021 03:29PM
     And we are out
The last American’s who we’re going to leave by plane have left Kabul airfield.

We are officially out.

Heaven help us, as this will most likely domino into very bad scenarios at home and abroad.


Aug 28 2021 07:07AM
     Sturgis, 2 weeks later
COVID-19 cases in South Dakota increase more than 450% since start of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

“On August 4, the date closest to the start of the rally for which data was available, the state reported 657 active cases. On August 25, the state reported 3,655 active cases. That's a 456% increase of active cases from before the start of the rally to two weeks after, according to the state's department of health.”


Also of note, two of the bands that played at Sturgis have had the cancel future shows due to band members getting the virus and doing a number on them.

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Surge is Sturgis


Aug 27 2021 08:27PM
Well, the Us Armed forces just retaliated with a drone attack and took out a leader.

Anyone want to bet the people at the airport and gonna pay the price?


Aug 27 2021 08:04PM
     Kiss all over, wham bam thank you, in n out
Ok, who would you:

- Take your time and lick every inch of their body.
- fuck all night like a carnal demon.
- hate myself for doing it but do it because it’s so good.


Aug 26 2021 07:51AM
     Today in gloom: boom schlack schlack boom
Explosion at Kabul airport.
Suicide bombing.
And Isis-K is now reported active and ready to pounce once the American forces are weak enough to attack.
San Diego studenta left behind.
American’s are being told to get away from the airport as the military can no longer guarantee safety.

Oh, and Taliban thugs are already breaking promises about the care of the Afghan people.

It’s a shit show.
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Dark day keeps getting darker


Aug 24 2021 03:42PM
     Alex Jones just turned on Trump
Ah, the cannibalism begins.

“Mr Jones is a conspiracy-theorist who claimed Mr Trump was “being deliberately killed” with experimental drugs when he was treated for Covid at Walter Reed in 2020.

And he was not impressed with the former president’s stance on vaccinations.

“BS. Trump: That’s a lie, you’re not stupid. Just two weeks ago they said it was 65 per cent, then 40 per cent, saw a number put out about Pfizer shots, 30-something per cent,” Mr Jones told his Infowars audience on Monday.

“Because they just want to tell you it doesn’t work so you run and get the new damn shot. And then they’ll tell you in six months that one doesn’t work. It’s called rope-a-dope.”

And he added: “Shame on you, Trump. Seriously.
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Rabies all around


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