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 51 yrs old
Diamond Bar, SGV, LA, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 24 2021 10:05AM
     Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stone has passed
The backbone of the Stones is gone.



Aug 23 2021 07:57PM
     The Arizona audit results are out
Oh, wait, no they are not.

Due to covid infections the CEO and other Cyber Ninja inspectors (bull shitters) are infected with the covid virus. One of them has been hospitalized due to how bad they are holding up against the infection.

A hahahahhahah
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One “lie” neutralizes another


Aug 20 2021 04:59PM
     Fun sex positions to try
For those of you who need to spice it up a little, some oldies but goodies.

6 wild sex positions you've never heard of, recommended by sex experts for next-level pleasure
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Something to add to your skill set


Aug 17 2021 10:47AM
     New type of Penetration
knife massage therapy

Anyone try this? I heard this story on the BBC radio and was fascinated.
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Massage therapy with blades


Aug 17 2021 10:35AM
     Oh boy did they fuck up - fall of Kabul
“ During an interagency meeting early this summer, a Defense Department official was asked if the Pentagon had a list of all Afghans who worked alongside the United States during the 20-year war. The Pentagon representative responded that such a list didn’t exist.

Then during another interagency meeting in early July, this one classified and conducted via video conference, a State Department staffer detailed how they would eventually relocate vulnerable Afghans seeking special visas to the U.S. The official asserted that Kabul wouldn’t fall for six to 12 months, so they had plenty of time to hire more staff and position consular officers to the capital to process the 20,000-person backlog.

And in late July, two weeks before the Taliban captured their first provincial capital, a coalition of groups that work with special visa applicants wrote multiple emails to the State Department’s Afghanistan Task Force offering their assistance. Those emails were never returned.“

People who helped us are scared shitless that they may soon be dead, or are dead.

We’ve just created a whole new generation of people who will want revenge.
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Sat on their hands


Aug 16 2021 10:20AM
     That scene at Kabul airport
Yeah, as bad as I thought things were going to get.

People literally chasing moving airplanes and hanging on for dear life.
Attached Pictures
Somebody save me


Aug 15 2021 12:45PM
     Afghanistan has fallen
That was fast. Faster than the shock and awe of Iraq.

The US government says it “miscalculated Afghan security and stability.”

Understatement of the year.
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Aug 14 2021 01:08PM
     Modern online AI can make nudes of almost any person
Be careful, ladies, as there is a pretty good AI website that is able to compile realistic nudes of men/women using their faces and full clothes.


Aug 13 2021 04:18PM
     Just can’t stop
This was a good audio piece to listen to on my way back from a project.

We may be headed to a time where we actually are addicted to our phones.

From the audio article:

“ NPR's The Indicator from Planet Money wanted to know, so they asked Lena Song, a behavioral economist. She set out to find the answer in a study with 2,000 volunteers. Here are her takeaways:

Addiction has two parts: habit formation and self-control.
Phone use is hard to control because it's routine for many — like grabbing a morning cup of coffee.
31% of participants' phone use was attributed to self-control problems. That's nearly a third of the time they spent on their phones.”
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Self control and good habits


Aug 12 2021 06:51PM
     2020 census results
Looks like America isn’t so white anymore.

“ Census Data Show America’s White Population Shrank for the First Time

Decennial count indicates Latinos, Asians and other racial groups drove all U.S. population growth during past decade.”

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Times are a changing


Aug 11 2021 07:59PM
     Liar liar pants on fire
Follow the money:

“ Federal prosecutors in the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office reportedly considered pursuing perjury charges against the Trump Organization's chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, over testimony he gave during its 2018 probe of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Four people familiar with the prosecutors' deliberations told CNN that during their investigation into Cohen, prosecutors decided to give limited immunity to Weisselberg for his involvement in the Trump Organization's reimbursement to Cohen for hush-money payments to women who claimed to have had affairs with Donald Trump before he became president.

The people said that prosecutors began to question their immunity decision and suspected that Weisselberg lied in his testimony, especially in how he described the company's reimbursement to Cohen and categorization of the payments in company records as legal expenses. “

One step closer for an Orange jump suit for the orange man.
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Been caught steal n wheeling’ n dealin


Aug 5 2021 02:08PM
     Superspreader event
Looks like people don’t learn or want to learn, and are trying really hard to win Darwin Awards.

no, It’s not jackrabbit opening up his mouth to swallow all of the Trump boys sperm, not Prolapse Circle stretching his anus again for maximum homeless hobo cock insertion, it’s the Sturgis motorcycle rally- 2021.

I got personal stake in this as members of my dojo are going this year, as they have been chomping at the bit to live buck wild and yell “Umerika, yeah!” While inhaling motorcycle fumes and covid and sweaty armpit juice.

Can’t wait to see who survives til October
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South Dakota wild fire event


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