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 51 yrs old
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Registered Apr 27 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jun 20 2021 03:42PM
     Today in science: ancient “fossil” still surprises researchers
Learn something new every day.

“ The coelacanth - a wondrous fish that was thought to have gone extinct along with the dinosaurs 66 million years ago before unexpectedly being found alive and well in 1938 off South Africa's east coast - is offering up even more surprises.

Scientists said a new study of these large and nocturnal deep-sea denizens shows that they boast a lifespan about five times longer than previously believed - roughly a century - and that females carry their young for five years, the longest-known gestation period of any animal.

Focusing on one of the two living species of coelacanth (pronounced SEE-lah-canth), the scientists also determined that it develops and grows at among the slowest pace of any fish and does not reach sexual maturity until about age 55.“

Shit, get to be 55 and still not sexually mature?
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Holding it for a long time

1 comment

Jun 17 2021 08:30AM
     Today in gloom: famine and drought
With the summer starting off hot, here is an update for all of you thirsty savages.

“According to the latest Drought Monitor analysis as of May 25, not only is the entire state of California in drought, but 26% of the state is in "exceptional drought", the highest category.

The last exceptional drought in California was January, 2017, on the tail end of a multi-year drought. It was considered the worst in parts of the state in 450 years.“


As for food prices, expect another hit on the wallet, as parts of the country are either in drought or flooded by extreme weather.

“ While the Northern Plains struggle with abnormal dryness, the story has been quite different across the Southern Plains. In Arkansas, heavy rain and flooding through the first 10 days of June have left fields of cotton, peanuts, corn, rice, and soybeans underwater, particularly in the southern and eastern portions of the state. Early estimates from the Arkansas Farm Bureau suggest that losses in revenue to agriculture could reach $310 million due to the flooding. There may be a brief break in the excessive precipitation in mid-June, but as we look toward the second half of June, more trouble could be on the horizon.”
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Running dry
33 reduction of water use
Tastes like


Jun 17 2021 07:23AM
     Trumptards run from the truth
Republican Andrew “diarrhea slide” Clyde was caught showing his true colors as Officer Michael Fanone extended a friendly hand shake at the capital.

"I greeted Congressman Clyde," Fanone said. "I was very cordial. I extended my hand to shake his hand. He just stared at me. I asked him if he was going to shake my hand and he told me that he didn't know who I was.

"So I introduced myself. I said that I was Officer Michael Fanone, that I was a D.C. Metropolitan police officer who fought on January 6 to defend the Capitol. And as a result, I suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as a heart attack after having been tased numerous times at the base of my skull, as well as being severely beaten.

"At that point the congressman turned away from me, pulled out his cellphone," Fanone said. "It looked like he was attempting to pull up like an audio recording app on his phone. And again, like, never acknowledged me at any point. As soon as the elevator doors opened, he ran as quickly as he could like a coward."

Officer Fanone will now be walking the halls of Congress and calling out all coward trump bitches on their bullshit and made to answer to him, as a voter and as a person who shed blood to defend them.

Going to be a fun summer.
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Liars are on notice


Jun 15 2021 02:41PM
     Too hot to fuck
Goodness, it’s a frigging oven out there.

Are people changing their schedule to adapt to staying out of the heat?

I know some of the hotel rooms/do not have enough heat and they stink because of the heat.


Jun 12 2021 08:37PM
     Today in gloom: bang bang bang
Nope, not talking about a massive gay orgy (nothing wrong against it) held by the Trumptards (as is their want), but rather the mass shootings that happened so far in the past 24 hours.

It’s so common now that these are not headline news.

From the article:

“ Two people were killed and at least 30 others were wounded in overnight mass shootings in three states, authorities said Saturday, stoking concerns that a spike in U.S. gun violence during the coronavirus pandemic could continue as summer dawns and eased restrictions allow people more freedom to socialize.”

Nothing more dangerous to an American than another American.
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It’s almost a disease


Jun 12 2021 11:22AM
     Harris just shot herself in the foot
Well, we always new her to be full of bile and capable of fucking up bigly.

Her performance this past week shows she is not ready to lead the nation.

If this is not a learning opportunity for her, the GOP will eat her alive when it’s her turn to step up to the POTUS seat.

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White House says WTF?


Jun 9 2021 06:29AM
     Loki tv show
That was a lot of fun.


Jun 7 2021 11:44AM
     55 fwy shooters caught
Caught the bastards.

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Shooter busted


Jun 6 2021 10:06PM
     Today in science: lithium from the sea
Any chemists in here can back this up?

If it’s true this sounds like a goldmine for investing.

From the article:

“ In a paper published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science, the researchers explain that the membrane’s crystal structure contains holes just wide enough to let lithium ions pass through while blocking larger metal ions. “
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Jun 3 2021 10:13AM
     Today in leisure: great 4th of July drinks

Had this at my bbq this weekend and recommend it.

Variations of the sauce can help decorate it red white and blue for you patriots out there.

What have you had this year (in terms of drinks) that impressed you?
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Smooth heat
Attached Pictures
Slow burn


Jun 2 2021 09:27PM
     Trump is ruined. Guess what he is doing now?
Piece of shit in charge, a.k.a. Private bone Spurs/little hands, has had another major failure.

A “communications platform” former President Donald Trump launched in early May as a means to reach his followers is shutting down after usage tanked.

A Trump adviser told The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity that the former president was upset that people were mocking his blog instead of reading it.

Trump’s thin skin and inability to take criticism of any sort hindered him from being an effective voice for his platform and instead turned him into a ranting fool, easily baited.

Nude posts of crane_op and Angler sucking themselves off on the posts or showing off their ases with the fresh “Trump Tunnel of Love” tattoos on their ass didn’t help.

The webpage, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” was hawked as a replacement for Trump’s posts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms after they banned him following his baseless claims of election fraud, which incited the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
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Trump demonstrating why he should never have led


Jun 1 2021 02:44PM
     Today in gloom - hard to put that meat in your mouth
No, I’m not here to tell you that crane_op and angler crashed the gay old man fat fucks porn server (though they keep trying).

No, a big random ware attack hit JBS meat processing and distribution centers worldwide.

Yes, US centers were affected. You may be paying more for your next burger or steak.

Fucking Russians.
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Beat your meat


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