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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Newport Beach, OC, CA
Registered Dec 22 2013
Released Dec 22 2013

4 blogs/104 comments
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single440yrs's Blog Blogs about single440yrs 12 people have subscriptions!
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Oct 8 2017 03:12PM
     Rachel310 and Suuupersick
Suuupersick was kind enough to share his side of the story with me. He came across as calm and credible. I am glad I stood up for him. Rachel310 profile has been restricted AGAIN due to violation of TOS.
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Oct 6 2017 07:15PM
     Jokes Only - No Comments Please
Tell us one of your favorite jokes that you think it's funny. There should be no comments or embarrassment to anyone in this blog. I will select the funniest joke and send you 1000 FXPoints if it's yours. Here is mine:

There is a cruise ship and there is a magician who works on the ship and the captain had a parrot and he likes to go to the show every night but the parrot understood the show and because he could talk he would give away everything. Oh he is putting it in his sox BRAAAK..oh he is putting it in his sleeves BRAAAK..oh it's in his hat BRAAAK..and the magician just hated this bird and one night he just snapped and he pulled out a pistol and shot the parrot but the bird ducked and the bullet hit the propane tank and blew the cruise ship to a million pieces. The only survivors were the parrot and the magician and they were floating out in the ocean on two little pieces of wood and the parrot said..alright I gave up..where is the damn ship?


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