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 71 yrs old
Registered Jan 28 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 1 2024 01:19AM
     Another Betrayal by our Supreme Court Part 2

I just decided to do a little fact checking on some of the statements made in the orginal Blog.

Marrisa your information is in error.

Nobody had heard about Covid-19 until late December of 2019.

Per the Triple AAA average national gasoline prices at that point was $2.50+ per gallon.

The average 30 year morgage rate was a little less than 3.75%.

Ukraine was not invaded until February 2022 which was more than a year after Biden took office.

I had to include the links to the original blog and to the CDC timeline in the actual body of this reply since I ran out of room for links.

Attached Links


May 2 2021 11:42PM
     Citizenship Test

Can you pass the test given to a person seeking to become a naturalized U.S. Citizen?
Attached Links


Mar 26 2020 08:50PM
     Shortage of Medical Masks

Attached is an interesting article on why there is a shortage of medical masks in the country.

The short story seems to be that we used up our strategic reserve of medical masks in 2009 and never bothered to replace them and we buy almost all of our masks from other countries in particular China.
Attached Links

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Aug 11 2019 12:31AM
     Capitalism Part 2

2 Small for Porn,

Currently the US corporate income tax rate for regular corporations is a flat 21%.

A married couple that was getting all of their income from wages would need to be making around $900,000 in Federal Taxable income before they would be paying 30% of their income in federal income taxes and a single person getting all of their income from wages would need to be making around $500,000 in Federal Taxable Income before they would paying the same 30%

I don't think most people posting here are having to worry about making either the $900,000 or the $500,000 in taxable income.

Of course we are only talking about Federal income taxes and the State of California also taxes individuals and Corporation.

For those that are interested some more information is below.

For 2019 a married couple starts paying 32% to the Federal Government on taxable income that exceeds $321,450 and single individuals start paying 32% on taxable income that exceeds $160,725. The income tax paid on the taxable income less than $321,450 and $160,725 ranges from 0% to 24%. However as noted above you would have to reach much higher numbers before you would be paying a total of 30% of your taxable income to the IRS in income taxes..

Just so everyone understands Federal taxable income is a number that is arrived at by taking your total gross income and subtracting any adjustments to gross income such as IRA contributions (if your employer has no pension plan) and itemized deductions such property taxes. mortgage interest, etc or the standard deduction.


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