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 48 yrs old
Registered Aug 19 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 8 2017 06:08PM
     Smallville Actress is 2nd in Command of a Sex Cult
Smallville actress Allison mack is 2nd in Command of a Sex Cult
that masks itself as a self help group/company.

I always thought Allsion Mack was very cute (and slutty). But who
would have guessed she was this kinky and mean?... She literally brands
women with a combination of her intials & the Cult Leader's... Allison
came up with the idea of spanking women with a wooden paddle IF they
did not recruit enough slaves for the Cult... WOW.

Something tells me her acting career is OVER.
(unless it is a tell ALL movie, or a new career in porn).

Any thoughts, opinions, ect??

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Oct 24 2017 11:56PM
     Fusion GPS... of course Hillary and the DNC were behind it.
Is ANYONE shocked that the Hillary Clinton Campaign & DNC
were behind this POS Smear job on Trump?

They have LIED for over a year about this. It was even used as the basis for
getting FISA warrants by the Obama Administration to SPY on Trump's Campaign.

The Mueller Special Counsel was trigged in large part because of this "Trump Dossier'.

Hillary Clinton & the DNC colluded with Russian Intel source to create this
piece of political sabotage. Can you spell "L-I-A-B-L-E", "S-L-A-N-D-E-R"?

And how about flatout TREASON? Colluding with Russians (and others) to
try to RIG an American Presidential Election.

Thank GOD Donald Trump WON, against ALL the odds & dirty tricks.


Jun 13 2017 05:35PM
     California Fish Grill :^)
Great fish tacos (especially their $1.99 Tuesday Taco Special).

Ordered battered fish & chips (frys crispy/well done, instead of how they usually cook them). $8.98

I'm a big guy, but their portion size is very large. Three good size fish fillets, and a generous helping of french frys.

I should of only ate half of it and saved the rest for later... Or better yet split the order with another person.

Probably the best deal around IF you like fish.


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