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New finding about the nature of Trump Base (relevance: 3)
by Rahcrener on Jan 14 2024 11:38AM
The possibility of having fascism in this country is increasingly looming, the only way to defeat this Leviathan is to cut his head (put Trump in jail by conviction), or as I said in another blog, we ought to switch from electoral college to popular ...
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Mr Trump selling nuke secrets- 4 (relevance: 3)
by Rrod111401 on Aug 15 2022 03:35PM Like if agree with Mr Trump! #ProtectUSclassifiedinformation
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trump selling nuke secrets - 3 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 13 2022 03:46PM
gotta keep track of this just in case the dude actually starts wearing an orange jumpsuit or put to death
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