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Wuhan virus in So Cal (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jan 21 2020 07:21PM
Word is that there is a case of the notorious Wuhan virus fro China now i irvine. Be careful out there.
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And so it begins (relevance: 3)
by vss4 on Dec 12 2020 03:48AM
Looks like talk of secession has started
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Home Depot scams? How does this scam work? (relevance: 3)
by 2small4porn on Aug 30 2020 12:23PM
A guy presents himself as a Home Depot mgr or supplier at some convention or some home improvement fair. He tells a customer the next time customer needs to buy anything from any Home Depot to call him at the cashier and he ll get customer a 30%-50% ...
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Favorite trails to hike in OC (relevance: 3)
by SweetLeilaniXoxo on May 30 2020 01:10PM
I love being outdoors in any weather. Would like a little insight from the locals here in oc. Where is your favorite place to hike and why? Hope everyone is having a beautiful weekend. Take care and Please stay safe. XOXO Leilani
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biden team is looking very exciting (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 8 2020 03:09PM
President Joe Biden Vice-President Stacy Abrams Treasury Sec. Warren Sec. Health/Human Serv. Sanders Attorney General Harris Sec. of Labor Yang Sec. of Defense Buttigieg Sec. of State Klobuchar Each campaigning on how they’d run their o ...
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The Movie (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Mar 21 2020 02:48PM
Kingsman, have you watched it? Thoughts? Very interesting reminds me of what’s happening with covid 19, plus it’s a great movie
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Parents Relocating from LA to Vegas (relevance: 3)
by icexdragon124 on Feb 28 2019 02:32PM
Both are retired and still pay a mortgage, current home is worth 600k still owe 300k. WIll it be a good move?
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NY just messed up (relevance: 3)
by jimmyDee on Feb 14 2019 02:01PM Inc abruptly scrapped plans for a new headquarters in New York that could have created 25,000 jobs, blaming opposition from local leaders upset by the nearly $3 billion in incentives promised by state and city politicians. Here is the ...
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Trump supporters are pissed... (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Sep 2 2018 10:29AM
... at Meagan McCain for saying this: “We gather to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice, those that live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered an ...
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better and better for investigation (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 15 2018 01:05AM
oleg deripaska could come back to bite mueller on the ass
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