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House begins formal Impeachment (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Oct 31 2019 07:40AM
And the Republicans are bringing the clowns. Lordy, this is embarrassing. I do miss the days when principles were argued by the GOP.
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Don't Believe? or Don't Care? (relevance: 6)
by AcesUp on Oct 23 2019 04:12PM
Supporters, Which camp do you fall into?
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They just don't give a crap anymore (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Oct 17 2019 02:55PM
Two classic Trump administration moments happened today. Normally they just tend to wait for one crises to start fading away before starting up another one, but I guess they sense that time is running out for mayhem and mischief. 1. The June 20 ...
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Hey Lola4you stop it (relevance: 6)
by MUNK on Oct 16 2019 02:40PM
X( Lola4you don't need ya because they already have mail privileges!
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Baker Mayfield wouldn’t shake 49ers hands BEFORE the game (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Oct 8 2019 07:09AM
What a chump. Then the 49ers completely embarrassed him. I think Rex Ryan was right. He is over rated.
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Networking (relevance: 6)
by Run.It.All on Sep 12 2019 09:07PM
Just wondering if there is a way to help up your network status for newcomers. It’s hard to get responses without having history, which is understandable and a bummer. Can you request a rating from someone you’ve seen? Thanks in advance ...
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Someone is very butt-hurt right now (relevance: 6)
by MUNK on Aug 27 2019 02:33PM
According to the new uploads
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Dog lovers! (relevance: 6)
by ItalianVittoria on Aug 22 2019 01:46PM
So UpperEchelon has such a cute dog she made me want my own! I finally found her I adopted her from the shelter a couple days ago. She is a Yorkshire Terrier and her name is Rosie ♥️
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Why is it? (relevance: 6)
by Petite14u2use on Aug 1 2019 05:36PM
Why is it I can never think of the perfect response until after the situation has ended. Lol I'm walking my dog and this guy rolls his window down to ask me if I need help walking my dog. lol. I shake my head no , laugh at him, n keep on walk-in ...
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That open mouth insert foot moment that makes you look like an ass. (relevance: 6)
by Inked.n.curvy on Jun 11 2019 06:05AM
So we have all had them right. When you make incorrect assumptions or ask a question without thinking how it’s going to come off and you end up looking like a grade A douch bag. Let’s hear some of those stories. Something are better left unasked ...
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