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Munk (relevance: 10)
by Himes_Soul on Mar 1 2017 04:01PM
I hear you're a Tuna Farmer
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And just like that (relevance: 9)
by MUNK on Oct 24 2019 02:47PM
She walked out of my life forever =((
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Comrade Bone Spurs rewrites history. (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Oct 10 2019 08:45AM
Uh, someone stop this idiot from talking. He dishonors every soldier who fought along and died with the Kurds who helped fight in Iraq, Greece and Italy during WW 2.
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Bernie Sanders had an emergency heart procedure (relevance: 9)
by DudeLebowski on Oct 2 2019 10:52PM
Don't know if this is it for his campaign but at 78 it might be. Maybe its better for him to bow out instead trying to get the most stress filled job in the world.
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The Butter wont Fly (relevance: 9)
by MUNK on Sep 19 2019 04:57PM

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Return of the Mack! Welcome back! (relevance: 9)
by Athena.Knight89 on Aug 22 2019 05:36AM
Me! Hey guys! I took some time off but I'm back! What's up? Formerly known as Ariane Ross.. :* :x :*
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Help !!! (relevance: 9)
by MUNK on Jul 23 2019 02:47PM
Maybe it’s my safari maybe it’s the server or maybe it’s just me but I can’t log onto black planet no more :(( Is it even still a thing or am I spinning my wheels here ? This internetz is coconutz
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Waxing Nostalgic (relevance: 9)
by RoxyPiper on Jun 9 2019 05:50PM
Looking back..If there was one thing that sticks out in your mind that you had always wished you'd done; however never had the courage to execute.. (If not too personal) Care to share what that would be?
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Dudes, Please for the love of whatever (relevance: 9)
by MUNK on Jun 4 2019 02:50PM
Do NOT tuck in a t shirt !!! You look goofy and no one will take you seriously. I know we dress casual at most work establishments but that does not mean you let your dork flag fly like that. The same goes for your silly Hawaiian shirts ...
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Have you Seen (relevance: 9)
by jimmyDee on Apr 11 2019 09:42AM
Kesha with out makeup? She is absolutely gorgeous. I guess she hates her freckles😐 She is jaw dropping beautiful.."make you want to buy the ring beautiful"😍😍😍
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