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How is Putin paying for this war? (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 5 2022 10:44AM
I brought up earlier that Putin pour more money into mercenaries than into keeping the Russian people’s needs met during the harsh sanctions imposed on Russia. Putin isn’t sweating it. Seems he has the money to burn, and has not been reported. ...
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the libs just can't help themselves (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 12 2020 06:18AM
it's possible they picked up a few votes due to the Atlantic article hit job on trump about the military (all anonymous sources)...nevertheless it had some traction NOW the "same paper - the atlantic", that could have put biden over the top??? g ...
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Bloggers with no women in their network (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 1 2020 12:47AM
Why are these people allowed on the site? KaiserSoce GoBallsDeep L777 These members do not make the site safer. I'm sure there are others.
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Can a woman be President and can a woman beat Trump? (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Jan 15 2020 01:05PM
This is a very interesting question..... Personally I do think a woman can be President and a woman can beat Trump. Im just not too sure the women running for President now on the Democratic side can do either. I will personally like to see any ...
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mueller (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jul 24 2019 12:05PM
is acting a little feeble not a good hearing...funny hearing his energy answering in the affirmative when the dems are trying to make their case...almost like they practiced this and he is excited to have heard the question before zero energy o ...
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