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Redo (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 30 2022 09:36AM
Here’s how Trump wants to solve the current Mar A Lago fiasco. Your former Tantrum thrower in Chief: "This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country," Trump wrote. "REMEDY: Declare the rightful winn ...
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selling nuke secrets - 2 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 12 2022 07:09PM
you would think after 6 years of this...over and over. best to wait it out...anytime the LEFT/MEDIA start going crazy like they finally got it? --- they don't GOT shit but just maybe...this is the time :)
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Will Smith is nothing more than a peice of shit (part 2) (relevance: 3)
by jackrabbit33 on Apr 1 2022 04:35PM
So Smith just resigned from the academy to avoid being expelled... Academy stands by claim that they asked Smith to leave the Oscar's... And Jen 'circle back' Psaki is leaving the WH to continue lying at floundering MSNBC. It's all Trum ...
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The next fear porn Russia (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 14 2022 06:09PM
Now all the same news agencies and "expert" that brought COVID19 IS SUPER DEADLY AND IT WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!! Now it RUSSIA GOING TO INVADE UKRAINE ANY MINUTE, actually we already have a date, Feb 16, guess RUSSIA NEEDS A FEEL DAYS TO CELEBRAT ...
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When will they ever learn? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 31 2022 09:42PM
Seriously? =))
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Gas! (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Nov 22 2021 10:53AM
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Caitlin Jenner For CALIFORNIA Govenor (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Jun 27 2021 12:01PM
Saw this 3 days ago, been meaning to share cause not seeing anyone post it. Click link below to see her on News Max.
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"China is eating our lunch," according to Bill Maher. (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Mar 14 2021 01:12PM
Hits the nail on the head! Love it. Doesn't blame just Democrats. Doesn't blame just Republicans. Blames EVERYONE. See link for video.
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Treason (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Dec 5 2020 09:26AM
Now it comes down to this. Anyone who can watch this and say NOTHING is not an american. Trump is tearing apart OUR government. Literally.  This is the worst thing possible. He has the abilty to hurt every single person, pet, bus ...
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New Handles from Rock Front Men (relevance: 3)
by happyguy63 on Nov 23 2020 05:19PM
Interesting... Several new female members joined in last few weeks, with handles taken from names of rock front dudes scrambled to be female. Profiles all have similar format... Darlene Hall (Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates) Petra Cetera (Peter ...
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