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Now Republicans (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 5 2020 12:39PM
It looks like the fat lady is tuning up and about to sing. Here is your chance. For 4 years you have been complaining about how unfair and how badly the left has treated President Trump. Your desire was they would treat him with respect and not ...
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"I have done more for the people than Abe Lincoln" - Trump (relevance: 3)
by Tatiana36dd on Oct 9 2020 08:41PM
oooookaaaaaay. What was he smoking that day? He must share it!
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OrangeGuy (relevance: 3)
by Sashasteel2.0 on Oct 7 2020 08:46PM
What is up with this double rating me negative?! I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF HIM BEFORE!!!
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If abortion is legal at (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Sep 12 2020 11:16AM
a national level, shouldn't euthanasia also be?
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Now that is some serious.... (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Jul 14 2020 09:08AM
Now I think I have seen the most 'stacking' I have ever seen. Best way to shut down discourse and dialogue is to post 13 straight comments on a blog..... :)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)): ...
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So Trump might drop out? What a quitter! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jun 29 2020 06:02PM
Ahahaaaaa! :))
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Rayshard Brooks, another dead lowlife part deux (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jun 17 2020 10:02PM
Had to continue after the last 2 idiot posts. Mr Brooks was dead drunk asleep in his car in the drive thru at the Wendy's, not the parking lot. He was not just sleeping, he drove there so drunk he passed out in the drive thru lane. That having ...
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Why can’t we.... (relevance: 3)
by Allison_Snow on Jun 13 2020 09:20PM
Just all get along? I hate seeing the events going on in the world right now, it makes me sick to my stomach. Regardless of age, race, or origin of where we came from we are all equal as humans and should be treated that way. On a positive note I hop ...
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76 years ago my Grandfather was at beach party in France... (relevance: 3)
by Nacraman on Jun 6 2020 01:31AM
At least that what he told me, it was only later that I realized what he meant.
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And the Douchebag of the Century Award goes to: (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on May 24 2020 08:28PM
@DonaldChump! Winner! Runner up goes to: @Corona_Virus 3rd Place: Tie between @GoBallsDeep & @KaiserSoce
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