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Lol MA1 just got sent to the shadow realm (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Sep 3 2023 10:29AM
:)) :)) :)) Mildly Amusing said: "Hate to say it, but I’m starting to look forward to the next civil war. There’s just too much space between the far-right conservative crazies and the rest of society." Did he REALLY say that? He and ...
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MA1 looks like a really fat Bernie sanders and libtards would vote for hitler if CNN said so (relevance: 6)
by TomTraubert on Aug 31 2023 05:25PM
And so on
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Libtards are in deep denial, Rahcrener threatens Eulogy, and MA1 is a longwinded gas bag (relevance: 6)
by TomTraubert on Aug 31 2023 09:17AM
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Biden admin is a disgrace Part II (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on Jul 3 2022 04:18PM
Here's some facts for the crash test dummy of HX..............MA Americans are 3 times more likely to cite economic issues (inflation) than abortion as a voting concern.......per Politico poll Two thirds (2/3) or 67% blame Biden's policies for ...
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Bank fraud, insurance fraud, criminal tax fraud and falsification of business records-Citizen Trump. (relevance: 6)
by FATFUKK on Nov 10 2020 11:09PM
This is not fake news.... the link below and it 's contents suggests that numerous entities are licking their chops to get at this dude, after he loads up the UHAUL TRUCK in 71 days... Things will get very interesting..
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You're either stupid, uninformed, or misinformed if your a Trump supporter (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Nov 2 2020 10:04PM
Keep supporting him to make his family richer dumbasses. How fucking stupid do you have to be at this point to not realize he's a conman. Most of you Trump supporters sound like you listen to those idiot talking heads on Fox that form your opinio ...
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Wake up People! (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 13 2020 01:26AM
Do you trust this president and his administration to be honest? Of course not, but I don't want to support a government who wants to take away your right to openly carry a firearm, when the police are beating, shooting, spraying and locking people u ...
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Bloggers with no women in their network (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 1 2020 12:47AM
Why are these people allowed on the site? KaiserSoce GoBallsDeep L777 These members do not make the site safer. I'm sure there are others.
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Death Row how to go? (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 21 2020 10:29PM
Did you see there are multiple death row inmates in Tennessee opting for the electric chair rather than lethal injection? If you had to go..... Lethal Injection Electric chair Hanging Firing squad Which one? Why? Are there any other LE ...
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Is sd really considered as “ land of the gays” ? (relevance: 6)
by italianMixBaby on Jun 21 2018 07:45PM
Someone said this in another blog
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