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Good guy with gun stops mass shooter (relevance: 6)
by tacobandit on Jul 17 2022 09:47PM
Pew pew pew Also the number of justified shootings in PA has increased significantly recently
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Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Jun 18 2022 11:22PM
Mortician finding anomalous structures inside the vascular system of deceased vaccinated people. It's not to late to,... .
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Now this blows the Narrative clear out of the water, 25% Increase In Death (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Sep 8 2021 10:56AM
West Virginia Governor Drops Bombshell: 25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated Individuals A shocking revelation by the governor of West Virginia as he explains the struggle to stay alive those that have gotten vaccinated are having. .
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Dumb and Dumber (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Jul 7 2021 05:55PM
The Trump boys are so stupid that they go on social media and confess that their grifter family business cheat on their taxes! WTF! They then go on and say that everyone does it as a way of explaining their actions. This is what happens when your kid ...
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Today in gloom: delta force is coming for you (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jun 26 2021 05:53PM
Well, we knew it would happen. Delta is coming for you. No, not the delta force special commandos that are amongst the finest the US has to offer. Nor is delta the airline company. Not the “delta force” parody fem-gay men who dress up in mil ...
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Georgia on my mind (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on May 21 2021 06:52PM
Looks like Georgia will crack open ballot boxes to scan some ballots... More voter fraud? No way! :)) :))
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It’s not just in Az; it’s been everywhere for 20 years! Part 3 (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on May 10 2021 04:44PM
So, let me get this straight. According to flash911, the whole point of the audit is to uncover this vast conspiracy of Democrats, rhinos, media, big tech, the ccp, corporations, globalists, and social justice warriors, and whoever else I left out ...
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More than a hundred corporate executives hold call to discuss halting donations and investments to f (relevance: 6)
by upsilon on Apr 11 2021 02:24PM
I told you so. The next after George will be much more interesting. The link is WaPo so I wonder if any of you subscribed. But the title says it all.
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A vaccine passport? (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Apr 2 2021 10:51AM
I have goes and a passport. These people don't need anything to roam about this country. A Border Patrol official estimated that more than 1 million illegal immigrants are expected to arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021 as the White ...
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Covid-19 update. California edition (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Mar 17 2021 06:29AM
Yup, the Golden State has not one but two highly contagious variants. California coronavirus mutant escalates to CDC's 'variant of concern' Early research suggests the strain is about 20% more transmissible compared to original strain. Two l ...
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