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Is it just me or are the staunch defenders of the Woman and Women's rights just a bunch of Cuomosexu (relevance: 6)
by gordonschumway on Feb 25 2021 10:18AM
Kirsten Gillebrand...Hilary Clinton...Hong Kong Harris...Alexandria Oxy MORON Cortez...Elizabeth "You didn't build that" Warren and scores of other "Women" have been dead silent on Governor Andrew Cuomo the most prolific serial killer in history and ...
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California has done as well as Florida at handling COVID... (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Feb 17 2021 11:23PM
...and California has had much stricter containment measures than Florida. Read the attached article. I will say things were definitely in California’s favor until they botched this second lockdown in December. If they had done it a month ea ...
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Hey COVID Paranoid Freaks (relevance: 6)
by sleepyone on Jan 26 2021 08:18PM
Make sure to get your COVID anal swab. We’re at that point now:
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2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump begins (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jan 25 2021 04:18PM
Conan, what is best in life? " crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Trumptard bitches...!"
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California Governor Gavin Newsom expected to lift strict stay-at-home orders, sources say (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Jan 25 2021 12:17AM
"Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to lift California's strict stay-at-home orders he imposed on much of the state in December. In a letter to restaurant owners, the California Restaurant Association says sources tell them that officials with Gov. New ...
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Someone sent me a video... (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 5 2021 09:12AM
With Doctors from various nations saying there is “no global pandemic” and the vaccine is unnecessary unsafe. I understand concerns about the vaccine... but at this point....denying there is a pandemic?
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to all you covid fearing libtards (relevance: 6)
by vss4 on Dec 28 2020 08:45AM
I will just leave this right here
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VUI-202012/01 fall (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Dec 20 2020 09:44PM
Looks like there is another mutation to COVID-19 called: VUI-202012/01 , and it is coming out of the UK. Highly contagious and with more damage to the body than earlier versions. From the BBC ( not to be confused with big black cock): “ Wh ...
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IS IT True? That LOOSE Abortion LAWS and Abortion Clinics USE Fetus Stem Cells In VACCINES? (relevance: 6)
by GinaGalaxy on Oct 7 2020 05:01PM
& like what if I was allergic to that fetus stem cell, like when you cant stand to be around someone, and your allergic to them (not/lol). I have also heard that among st all race that is aborted it is predominately African american /BLACK baby ...
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Seattle Alternative Policing (relevance: 6)
by jazz51 on Sep 22 2020 02:33PM
Unfortunately, due to TOS, I cannot link any of the articles associated with the person Seattle has hired to help develop alternatives to policing. But just search Seattle Alternative Policing and you will see what I am referencing. Let's jus ...
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