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Masks are coming back (relevance: 3)
by NigelCollins68 on Jun 5 2022 11:39PM
BA.2.12.1 is on the rise. (BA.2.12.1 is a subvariant of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.) Dr. Barbara Ferrer of Los Angeles County Public Health says that she is probably going to issue the order for people t ...
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Pfizer Whistleblower Warns New Data Proves Vaccine Is Bioweapon (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Mar 5 2022 10:32AM
Karen Kingston. Do you really have any idea how long ago this has been planned ? What will you do when the next Bio weapon is released ? Because there is no if, only when. .
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The highly trained Ukraine Army on full display. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 04:43AM
So for all of you who think you been watching real footage of war, and you acutally be watching footage of a video game. Here footage of the "BRAVE AND HIGHLY TRAINED" Ukraine army men. ...
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So how many of you feel for the fear porn? (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 12 2022 02:04AM
Remeber when Trump wanted to open up by easter 2 years ago, and the media attacked him, saying that it was selfish and we need to put live before lively hood? ...
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BLM in the middle of imploding (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 7 2022 05:46AM
just really simple shit retarded people should have figured out, but just like avenatti, the real goal was orange man out at any cost. look at all the people the left/lib media brought in to help...they all might be in jail...even former NY GOV ...
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Bill Maher is saying what I'm saying now. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 24 2022 07:05PM
Hey look it Bill Maher, isn't he looked highly upon with in your leftist circle? Why he saying what I've been saying: Why he saying this is COVID kinda all bullshit? ...
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Denmark: Vaccine a DANGER to the vaxxed (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 27 2021 02:31PM
Turns out, as was pointed out many times here, that negative effectiveness of vaccines and rapidly waning (and soon going negative) effectiveness of boosters against Omicron, received another and very important scientific confirmation. It turns ou ...
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81% of new cases in Alberta are VACCINATED (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 24 2021 12:25AM
81 percent of new cases in Alberta are Vaccinated. 81% of new cases in Alberta are vaccinated people. — Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) December 23, 2021
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Oh look IRS data proves trump tax cuts benefited working, middle class most (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Dec 5 2021 11:45PM
Which biden promptly ended and gave his rich buddies billions in tax cuts
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Exposing the Great Reset Power Structure, Covid 1984, and AI (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 4 2021 12:16PM
This is one of the best video's ever. Some of the Trumps haters can rejoice, but not for long. Also about half way through, a lecture 10 years earlier on how AI will affect us all. Hint, Humans can not compete. Tells me why so many Amazon empl ...
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