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4th Player drop out of Austrilian Open due to chest and heart issue. (relevance: 33)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 20 2022 08:27AM
Wow since my last post I didn't even have to wait 1 and this happens: 4 players had to dopped the match so far. Not to mention all the players that are ...
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The highly trained Ukraine Army on full display. (relevance: 15)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 04:43AM
So for all of you who think you been watching real footage of war, and you acutally be watching footage of a video game. Here footage of the "BRAVE AND HIGHLY TRAINED" Ukraine army men. ...
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The next fear porn Russia (relevance: 15)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 14 2022 06:09PM
Now all the same news agencies and "expert" that brought COVID19 IS SUPER DEADLY AND IT WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!! Now it RUSSIA GOING TO INVADE UKRAINE ANY MINUTE, actually we already have a date, Feb 16, guess RUSSIA NEEDS A FEEL DAYS TO CELEBRAT ...
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Anybody seen NATO? (relevance: 12)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 25 2022 11:37PM
If this week has shown anything, it that NATO is much like a lot of the people that are on this blog, talk big, but when the time comes, other then talking tough on TV, they cower and do nothing, and why wouldn't they, Putin is cleaning Ukraine from ...
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Wait Ukraine has bio weapons lab, whaaaaaaa (relevance: 9)
by Normal_Guy on Mar 8 2022 11:07PM
Wait I thought this was all propoganda, I thought Putin was crazy!!!!! And the fact checkers agree: Wasn't this all just crazy conspiracy theory just 72 hours ago.... ...
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The first American Casuality of Ukraine. Ahhhh LOL (relevance: 9)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 10:38PM
His name is Bernie Gores, he was killed in the line of duty while trying to report on the "Russian Invasion" It the saddest thing........... ALMOST AS SAD AS HE WAS ALSO KILLED FEW MONTHS AGO REPORTING IN AFGANSTAND. AHHHH...... https://cele ...
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Another day, another vaccinated athlete develop myocarditis (relevance: 9)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 17 2022 07:37PM
Seriously, this is sad and funny at the same time. Alphonso Davies perfectly healthy soccer player, got 2 shots had heart pr ...
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400 million dollars gone in hypersonic speed. (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Mar 20 2022 11:52AM
Now here something you don't see everyday, the aid the Biden/Brandon gave to Ukraine all 400 million dollars worth in weaponary and munitions gone in a matter of seconds from a HYPER SONIC MISSLE. ...
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Proof of the existence of U.S. funded Bio-Labs in the Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Mar 12 2022 11:38PM
As the majority of US media as well as the federal government refuse to admit the truth about the labs, alternative media outlets have been at the forefront of proving their existence. You have to attack one's credibilty because you can not face w ...
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Did Mask Mandates and Lockdowns Work. Here is the SCIENCE. (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 8 2022 06:15AM
Dr. Joseph Fraiman: Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration I'm sorry, because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from ...
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