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Russia Holds Their First International Anti-Fascist Congress!🌀🌀🌀 (relevance: 21)
by witler5 on Aug 22 2022 11:16PM

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More contagious? (relevance: 21)
by TheWickedWitch on Jun 23 2021 03:44AM
How is something MORE contagious? Either it’s contagious or it’s not. Delta variant is supposedly MORE contagious. To me, this makes no sense. Either it’s contagious or not but MORE contagious? If you’re near someone with something that’s c ...
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Arte quits (relevance: 20)
by Atticus_Finch on Aug 23 2022 02:20PM
Angel fans finally have something to celebrate after 20 years - arte's had enough and is selling the team! I'd say this is good news for the team & the fans. He's on the list of worst owners in the league. Atticus Finch
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Vaccine side effects are not required to be reported (relevance: 20)
by Atticus_Finch on Jun 30 2021 10:20AM
This is just wrong. The people in charge of the nations health should want to know about any side effects people are undergoing because of the vaccines, no matter if it's a large or small population. Why the censorship? Atticus Finch
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Con - gress pushing for new 'Domestic terror laws' (relevance: 20)
by Atticus_Finch on Jan 24 2021 01:43PM
The breach at the capital's really got the idiots in con-gress freaked. So much so they're going to attempt to take more Constitutional rights away. 'Governing' from a place of fear is never a way to actually govern a country. Hopefully there a ...
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Motivation for Betas (relevance: 18)
by TheAlterEgo on Mar 22 2023 10:38PM
Some motivation for betas like Shitcan, who cant define a woman.
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California reparations bill (relevance: 18)
by TomTraubert on Dec 3 2022 02:09PM
Looks like the AA community si about to get $250k each. Some of you gals may want to rethink your no AA men policy....
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Biden running for 2024! (relevance: 18)
by kidbilly on Oct 4 2022 08:24AM
Wow. His mind is half gone, feel sorry for him.
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Dick (relevance: 18)
by mbc2000 on Aug 5 2022 04:22AM
Dick actually got me to cry... WTF
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British Gov t Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill (relevance: 18)
by AFMadness on Aug 2 2021 10:10AM
Orders 3 million lbs of anti-coagulant ? . British Govt Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill, How many people ? . Is that right... Are you going to hear more bout ADE ? Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement Gee, what do you think they kno ...
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