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Pfizer Director Caught On Tape (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Jan 27 2023 12:42AM
Pfizer Director caught on tape admitting company is considering manipulating the virus to create new variants in order to create new vaccines to profit off of them. You won’t see this on CNN, ABC, or MSNBC as 90% of their advertising revenue com ...
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Apology Long Over Due is Due NOW (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Jan 6 2023 04:34PM
The doctors of this country of all Western Civ, really owe their citizens an apology and an explanation, and even then, they might not be able to save modern medicine. The doctors have dishonored and disgraced their profession. They promulgated a Co ...
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Way to go Gruesome (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Dec 5 2022 01:36PM
Captain Gruesome is considering a penalty on oil companies that gouge his brethren. Thank you Gruesome! We love you. I will vote for you again. My real name is Jamal Washington. I'll keep an eye on my mail box sir.
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What is Causing Animals To Walk In Circles? 217,081 views (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 1 2022 11:56PM
We do not hold documents persuant to your request ~ FOIA Austrialia and other countries. Put your 5G on an ant hill,... have a friend call you. What did they do ? :)) LOCKSTEP PHASE 2 New World Order Going Loud: Animals React .
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she says desantis is DOA in the election (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 18 2022 12:52PM
she'd never need to wipe again
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Pfizer ~ Gate Gets CRAZIER! (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Oct 16 2022 09:47PM
EU Parliament: PROSECUTE PFIZER? - Governments DEMAND ANSWERS! And 71 Billion. .
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Pfizer Bombshell Has Some Explaining To Do (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 11 2022 11:36AM
Member of the European Parliament Robert Roos In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. "Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forci ...
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China again, Left Wing California DA Brings Charges. (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Oct 6 2022 11:47PM
Election Software CEO Arrested over Data Theft, Storing Data on Servers in China. Which is what Mike Lindell has been talking about all along. Joshua Philipp of joins the show to expose the presence of ...
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They all admit they lied to everyone. Klaus Schwab Announces Army of (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 20 2022 11:49PM
Klaus Schwab Announces Army of 'Info Warriors' to Take On America The announcement that the WEF is enlisting over 100k 'information warriors' to take aim at Infowars and the American people. 110,000 Warriors .
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fires? drought? now century floods? (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 13 2022 11:01AM
maybe they can catch all the water...fill up all the lakes and reservoirs USA TODAY Experts warn California of a disaster 'larger than any in world history.' It's not an earthquake. Swain said that such massive statewide floods have occurred ...
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