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Department of Defense Just Got Caught Lying About Vaccine Injuries (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 30 2022 11:19AM
The attorney Thomas Renz has just discovered that the Department of Defense is altering data to hide the number of our service members who have been injured by the experimental and deadly COVID vaccines. Mr. Renz also has the sworn statements of ...
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In house car dealerships (relevance: 3)
by Datmyrose90 on Mar 12 2022 08:10AM
Any recommendations for a in-house financing car dealership?
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French soccer player suffers heart attack during game Disturbing video (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Jan 8 2022 03:29PM
Ousmane Coulibaly, 32 years old, collapsed today during a match in Qatar. He writhes in pain for several minutes before the ambulance arrives on the field. The video is hard to watch......poor guy suffered HEEDLESSLY. An ambulance was ...
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So you thought Nano Bots in Pfizers mRNA shot was a joke. (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Jan 6 2022 11:45PM
Sort a like horse paste right ? :)) Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine Electron Microscopy confirms what official Documents and Patents have already told us about the Trans-Humanist agenda. ~ Greg Reese .
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Isreal on 4th Booster shot. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 6 2022 01:06AM
Here how you know that you haven't taken poison, is when they tell you to take something and it didn't work, so you did it 3 more times, with a 5th booster already begin mention. ...
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Airlines want to end mask mandates…Guess who is NOT following Science (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 16 2021 08:14AM
The CEO of Southwest Airlines claimed in a Senate hearing that wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid on flights is excessive, and argued that air filtration systems make planes the safest indoor space to be in. Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kel ...
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Vaccine Patents Reveal The True Intent Behind Mandates (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 11 2021 11:57PM
Nano Bots and Graphine Hydroxide, but wait !. There's more !, etc.. Of Biblical proportions ... I know I know, fake news :)) But you can get the Patents yourselves. Call Now ! .
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Coca cola recall (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Dec 11 2021 12:59PM
And coolaid minute maid sprite If you have any of these throw them out
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I got a robot ticket in Culver city (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Dec 9 2021 12:54PM
apparently there is footage of me running a red light.. anyone know how to best fight these tickets?
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Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COVID (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 9 2021 11:18AM
Scientific study published at provides evidence that 5G played a dramatic part of the spurious COVID pandemic. It'd all been documented. Now you / we get to live it. .
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