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Fun sex positions to try (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 20 2021 04:59PM
For those of you who need to spice it up a little, some oldies but goodies. 6 wild sex positions you've never heard of, recommended by sex experts for next-level pleasure
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The FBI Needs Your Help To Find These Criminals (relevance: 3)
by ARTFROMLA on Jan 19 2021 08:57AM
Click below for an FBI link. It shows some of the faces that stormed the Capitol a couple of weeks ago. The manhunt is on and there are rewards for a few. Would you turn in a family member for a $1000 reward?
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For those of you wondering about the aliens arriving in 2020 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 2 2020 08:42PM
Looks like they are getting ready to show themselves.
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Hx Vegas is open (relevance: 3)
by SassyX7 on Jun 6 2020 08:04PM
Hx Vegas is open It seems to me everyone left there own home town and travel to Vegas It’s beautiful and I been enjoying it
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I swear I have the worst "Luck" ever!! (relevance: 3)
by jaydensosweet on Oct 10 2017 06:05PM
So,I have this wisdom tooth that has been annoying the f*ck outta me but I have theeee worsstttt luck ever trying to find someone to pull it.I want it pulled ASAP but it seems like EVERYWHERE i f'n call only has a surgeon in one day out the month,ONE ...
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I'd like to see the Bush come back (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Feb 8 2017 04:48PM
smooth is getting old.
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