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Breyer retiring and Biden's pledge (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Jan 26 2022 12:26PM
Just heard that Steven Breyer may retire this summer. Biden has pledged to nominate a black woman to the court, which raises a couple of issues: - How is that not discrimination? What if there was an Asian woman for example that was more qualifi ...
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That vaccine sure is a great (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Jan 26 2022 12:27AM
Went out with my buddies down to orange county last weekend. Literally almost no one had a mask on even staff at the majority of places we went too. 5 total of us. Out of the 5 of us 2 are vaccinated. We all breathed the same air and were around the ...
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Shooting on the 5 freeway (relevance: 3)
by June.Moon on Jan 23 2022 03:01PM
I'm still shaking as I type but please be careful. I was driving home and the car right in front of me started shooting the cars behind him. When I called it in they had already knew what kind of car it was so apparently the two guys were doing it b ...
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CDC admits natural immunity is better. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 22 2022 05:10PM
For all you leftoid here you go: Natural Immunity has always been better, none of us ever took the vaccine thank GOD. ...
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Another day, another vaccinated athlete develop myocarditis (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 17 2022 07:37PM
Seriously, this is sad and funny at the same time. Alphonso Davies perfectly healthy soccer player, got 2 shots had heart pr ...
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Let's talk about hygiene part 2 (relevance: 3)
by Allison_Snow on Sep 2 2021 02:56PM
Chief it was before the session they never do it after šŸ˜”
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Oh boy did they fuck up - fall of Kabul (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 17 2021 10:35AM
ā€œ During an interagency meeting early this summer, a Defense Department official was asked if the Pentagon had a list of all Afghans who worked alongside the United States during the 20-year war. The Pentagon representative responded that such a li ...
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Biden is killing it as Pesident (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on May 12 2021 06:00AM
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Cheep hotel in OC (relevance: 3)
by kong on Feb 1 2021 12:41AM
Does anyone know of a cheep hotel in OC
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So Susan Rice? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Aug 7 2020 01:44PM
She just divested her Iā€™m guessing significant stock holdings in Netflix. Maybe preparing for an announcement?
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