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16 Complete Reversals Made by Our Idiot President (relevance: 12)
by bangkoklvr on Apr 17 2017 01:16AM
Donald Trump has made so many promises, from wiping out the national debt � a pledge dismissed last week by his own budget director as �hyperbole� � to changing the name of the Denali peak back to Mount McKinley, that it c ...
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Who is the informant (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Aug 11 2022 10:13AM
Looks like someone within the Trump inner circle tipped off the FBI. Someone who knows what was kept by trump and where it was. Any bets on who it could be? Early ideas say it’s Eric Trump.
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Insurrection/Sedition (relevance: 9)
by mbc2000 on Jan 27 2022 02:46PM
So, even if you just promote insurrection you are an insurrectionest. Which can legally disqualify you from running for anything in most states. "insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against a ...
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An administration job in Washington (relevance: 9)
by teeitup on Feb 20 2019 02:28PM
Would you apply for a White House administration job in DC if you had close to the qualifications?
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T-Mobile and 52 Nights at TRUMP Hotel (relevance: 9)
by coolhotavi50 on Feb 6 2019 08:05PM
During Merger (of T-Mobile and Sprint ) Approval Talks with Government, T-Mobile Executives stayed at TRUMP Hotel for 52 nights and Merger was APPROVED... LOL that's what you call Make America Great Again.. suckers...
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Build that Fn wall ! (relevance: 9)
by mbc2000 on Jan 27 2019 03:15PM
Declare national emergency along southern border. Takes private property under declaring boarder a :war zone. Begins building wall.
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Let The Trade War Begin (relevance: 9)
by Grumpy on Apr 6 2018 05:30PM
Thank you Donald Trump. China will only retaliate. Economic unbalance will be the end result. How did we get here? What ever happen to Made in USA.
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Tramp has no idea what he's doing on healthcare (relevance: 9)
by teeitup on Oct 18 2017 11:55AM
First, he lets Congress try to end Obamacare. Then he criticizes Congress when they can't end it. Then he pulls Obamacare subsidies with an executive order. Then he supports reinstating subsidies by supporting the Alexander/Murray Obamacare compromis ...
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Divorcing Kardashian (relevance: 9)
by quarante.sept on May 30 2017 02:06PM
The time she told everybody she knew she was going to divorce his ass while they were still on the honeymoon. Ouch.
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DeSantis and Abbott should be given the Congressional medal of Honor (relevance: 6)
by Frankbear22 on Sep 16 2022 01:58PM
For exposing the hypocrisy of whiny ass liberals. They say they love people of color they just don't want them in their neighborhoods. They want him to mow their lawns and clean their toilets and then go home far far away. Whiny ass liberals are a vi ...
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