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Todays numbers (relevance: 6)
by Frankbear22 on Sep 13 2022 07:34AM
Inflation continues to go higher. WTF!!!!!! The Inflation Reduction Act was just passed and all you whiny ass liberal man bitches said it would drop. Joe, like STD's, is a gift that keeps on giving
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SO zuckerberg and rogan talking about the FBI (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 26 2022 11:15PM
they were the ones per Zuck...that brought up the Russian disinformation on hunter's laptop story true? false? does it matter? trump lost now FBI has raided his we know why yet? did we get enough info or too redacted? don't ...
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selling nuke secrets - 2 (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 12 2022 07:09PM
you would think after 6 years of this...over and over. best to wait it out...anytime the LEFT/MEDIA start going crazy like they finally got it? --- they don't GOT shit but just maybe...this is the time :)
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Nuclear option (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Aug 12 2022 07:22AM
Well, what’s the worst thing that Trump could have had at Mar A Lago? Looks like it’s nuclear secrets. Let’s see the Trumptards justify “compromise of national security/nuclear secrets”. I’ll wait. Meanwhile, adamant support ...
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What is it About A Big Booty... (relevance: 6)
by FATFUKK on Oct 19 2020 09:23AM
Are Big Booties Over Rated? Or Under appreciated? Guys / Ladies What is it about them that you LIKE, DISLIKE, ETC? BTW....I'm all in for the BOOTY, about BOOTY, and with the BOOTY
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Trump Loves (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy on Mar 3 2019 08:15AM
Warm Beer.
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Coast Guard officer plot to attack Dems (relevance: 6)
by Oppenheimer on Feb 20 2019 10:40PM
Dems and the FBI must have plotted this in the deep state! Damn deep state and their hatred and violence for 'Merica. LOL. Kind of strange that Fox News wouldn't allow comments for this video, and decided not to publish this on their other social ...
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McCabe (relevance: 6)
by mbc2000 on Feb 19 2019 08:34PM
After watching McCabe the last few days I think he and his family have been slandered and defamed by trump and Republican politicians. It seems anyone who defends trump is either ignorant or a liar. The lies are coming from one direction. Regarding A ...
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She wants his balls as a trophy on her wall (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Feb 15 2019 07:43PM
Who? Ann Coukter, conservative talking head and what passses as a human being. Who’s balls? POTUS Trump Why is she working so hard? They are so small and tiny and able to be tucked back into his body like a turtle’s limbs. Seriously, as soon a ...
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damn (relevance: 6)
by Facephuckker on Feb 10 2019 03:45PM
when is this rain ever going to stop
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