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The things that make you go hmmmm (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Feb 5 2021 02:12PM
What makes you nervous? Let's try and stay on subject ( I know it's hard for some but let's try please 😭 ) and I'd like your real answers please and thanks :) Hope everyone's Friday is going great, stay healthy and sane in this crazy time. ❤ ...

Quick Question (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Jan 26 2021 09:59AM
Is human nature constant or is it molded by culture? Can human nature be completely changed by culture or society? Let's stay on subject & no rude or negative comments please. ❤️ Allison Snow

This or That Question (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Jan 13 2021 10:29AM
Rich Friend or Loyal Friend? This one is super easy for me I will take loyalty over money any day for sure. Money comes and money goes but loyalty I feel like is worth more than anything. What are your thoughts? Please stay on subject and no rude ...

Philosophical question (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Jan 8 2021 08:53PM
If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much? Me personally I would never make a copy of a h ...

Would you rather? (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Jan 3 2021 02:13PM
Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality? Please no rude or negative responses & stay on subject Please & Thanks. Me personally I'll take the 6 w/ an amazing personality any day. Looks can be al ...

I don’t get why (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Dec 23 2020 02:15PM
Literally everyone is on the phone on the freeway not going the speed limit swerving in and out of their lanes and just not paying attention period. I get it’s the Holidays and everybody is in a rush but geez Louise can we please be safe on the fre ...

How often do you people watch? (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Dec 18 2020 01:08PM
I'm kind of a creep when it comes to this because I love to watch people but not in a bad way I'm just very observant and like to know what's going on. That's me people watching lol j/k. What about you? Please stay on subject and don't be rude. Hope ...

What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any? (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Dec 14 2020 03:14PM
Anyone who knows me or has seen my profile know that I am tattooed and pierced. Honestly I love my tattoos as each one of them is a story about me or a part of my life. Do you have tattoos? How do you feel about them on yourself or people that have t ...

Thanksgiving Dinner (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Nov 25 2020 10:51AM
I'm making homemade Mac & Cheese, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade sweet potato souffle' with a nice roast. What are you all cooking and or doing tomorrow? Please leave the negativity off this post & I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, I know ...

Just a thought... (relevance: 5)
by Allison_Snow on Oct 26 2020 10:01AM
I definitely need a puppy in my life. I would love to have a little companion that I can take care of. Any who I hope you ladies and gents are having a great Monday let’s all stay positive and have a great day. ❤️ Allison Snow

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