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Topless or fully nude strip bar? (relevance: 9)
by Sbsurf40s on Apr 19 2022 03:58PM
Ladies and gents?
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Fauci lied, lots of people died unnecessarily. (relevance: 9)
by Angler1 on Jun 8 2021 09:22PM
We all remember nr saying HCG was not effective part of a treatment against covid.
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Doom dud & gloom guys (relevance: 9)
by Angler1 on Apr 24 2020 09:22PM
Why haven't we seen your doom & gloom posts lately? Have you figured out that the death rate will be less than .5%? You dumb fucks posted BS for weeks. How about posting you were wrong? Stop reading and believing the media, they don't care about ...
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Destroy all Inspector Generals (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Apr 7 2020 11:16AM
Trump has just removed the COVID response inspector general who was watching where the money and supplies go. This stinks to high heaven of the set up of embezzlement on unprecedented scale.
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Falling in love (relevance: 6)
by HunterBee on Mar 16 2023 03:55PM
Has it happened to you? How do you keep yourself in check.
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Fredercik Douglas Speech , What to the Slave is Fourth of July. (relevance: 6)
by gilbert33 on Jul 4 2022 12:13AM
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to bring ou ...
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A lot more corruption will come out in AZ (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on Jul 19 2021 04:16AM
It's only the beginning. :))
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Recall my ass (relevance: 6)
by mbc2000 on May 10 2021 07:57PM
So, this kinda makes a recall of newsome look like a temper tantrum from the crazy trump loving part of the soon to be extinct California Republican party. I guess the only thing left is to get the fuck out of California. ...
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More than a hundred corporate executives hold call to discuss halting donations and investments to f (relevance: 6)
by upsilon on Apr 11 2021 02:24PM
I told you so. The next after George will be much more interesting. The link is WaPo so I wonder if any of you subscribed. But the title says it all.
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CPAC happened this weekend (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Mar 1 2021 10:18AM
Most notable takeaway from the event. People were more passionate for “revenge” against those that they have scores to settle rather than produce a winning alternative to the current direction of the nation. Big mistake. You plot revenge af ...
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