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CNN is now saying what I'm saying, LOL (relevance: 5)
by Normal_Guy on Mar 1 2022 01:08PM
Well how about that snake island story? Turns out I WAS RIGHT!!!!! And all of you were wrong!!!! SO HOW ABOUT IT? NOW DON'T YOU ALL FEEL STU ...

Russian Media Shows Ukrainian Bio Lab Documents That Show 32 Billion In US Backing (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Mar 21 2022 11:14PM
Not only were the fact checkers wrong they were 32 billion dollars wrong. Russian media shows documents with US seals and signatures showing over 32 billion in US backing. Now watch the video and see what they were working on. Hint; Far worse tha ...
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Rachel Madcow Maddow and 6 million dollar question. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 15 2022 01:29AM
Here a question for you wacky liberals, so Rachel Maddow, you know miss "Trump tax return", "Russian Hoax" pusher. She has a cushy job of about 6 million a year roughly, she walking away from that to work on a documentary that no one has any inte ...
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Huntington Beach this weekend (relevance: 3)
by gilbert33 on May 3 2020 08:22PM
I live in H.B. about 1 1/2 blocks from the sand. On Saturday morning helicopters flew overhead and made announcements that the boardwalk was closed and the beach was too. Well I was in the water at the time and basically none of us got out until we ...
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