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Arizona audit, part 2. The world calls bullshit (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jul 16 2021 10:31PM
From the article: “The security detail for Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs arrived first at the café where I met her on a blistering hot day. Since the 2020 election, she has received death threats and armed protesters have turned up out ...
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Trumptards run from the truth (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jun 17 2021 07:23AM
Republican Andrew “diarrhea slide” Clyde was caught showing his true colors as Officer Michael Fanone extended a friendly hand shake at the capital. "I greeted Congressman Clyde," Fanone said. "I was very cordial. I extended my hand to shake h ...
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Where did the China virus (fung flu) originate. (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on May 30 2021 02:23PM
As I thought from the start, Wuhan lab financed by the good ol USA.
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Drumph is criminally deranged (relevance: 6)
by jarhead1183 on Jan 3 2021 11:09AM
Wow, I understand the lost cause cult members still following this criminal, but it’s the reasonable, well educated Republicans that I don’t get. To an earlier comment on a different post about the constant Trump bashing, if there was nothin ...
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Trump got creamed. Give it the fuck up already (relevance: 6)
by Sly69 on Dec 16 2020 02:15PM
I indulged myself by reading the comments leading up to the election but fatigued hearing from all the Trump loving morons on this site. A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, red neck bottom dwellers that belong some where in the deep south cavorting with ...
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Republicans opposing Trump (relevance: 6)
by Sly69 on Aug 24 2020 01:26PM
Holy crap. I knew the list was growing almost daily but I had no idea how many current and former Republicans stalwarts were rejecting Trump until I did a search. Just too numerous to list here but click on the link and scroll down if you care. The ...
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Masks are not 100% effective (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Jul 31 2020 12:25PM
If you believe that you are full of hot air. The best mask is not more than 95% effective. Most have a much lesser efficiency rating. Droplets can get in your eyes and cause the virus. So be sure and wear a face shield. So wear a mask, bu ...
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How to de-escalate a conflict. (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on May 31 2020 07:58PM
This is how it’s done. It’s not them, I’d not your side, it’s not my side. It’s us. Moving and working together.
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What Trump did so far (relevance: 6)
by thresher001 on May 31 2020 04:02PM
Unjustifiable violence by a white police officer on a black person in Minneapolis was too much to bear for anyone who already has been suffering from covid-19 lockdown due to the lack of proper responses from Trump Administration. New Coronavirus ...
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2020 Darwin Award winners. Told you so- disinfectant edition (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Apr 25 2020 05:14PM
Well, we knew it would happen. Trump said something stupid and harmful, and the faithful sycophants sucked it up. This just in. News reports that the poison hotlines as people decide to treat themselves with disinfectants, after Trump’s disas ...
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